">&sorder=1&showresults=threads&submit=Search --------------------Summary---------------- Software: MyBB Sowtware's Web Site: Versions: 1.0.2 updated Class: Remote Status: Unpatched Exploit: Available Solution: Not Available Discovered by: imei Risk Level:low -----------------Description--------------- Mybb has a security bug that allows hackers run unwanted scripts into client's browser that well known as XSS cross site scripting bug is in result of poor cheknig of two input varibles "sortby" & "sortordr" in redirection page of search pages. line668of search.php a full exploit can result to thefting cookies... bug founded by imei and reported to vendor... --------------Exploit---------------------- go to this url: /mybb/search.php?action=do_search&keywords=&postthread=1&author=imei&matchusername=1&forums=all&findthreadst=1&numreplies=&postdate=0&pddir=1&sortby=">&sorder=1&showresults=threads&submit=Search --------------Solution--------------------- No Patch available. --------------Credit----------------------- Discovered by: imei addmimistrator[at]gmail[dot]com