#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 2005,2006 by Matteo Cantoni # # snmpcheck is a tool to get information via SNMP protocols on Windows, Linux, Cisco, HP-UX, SunOS platforms. # snmpchek has been tested on GNU/Linux, *BSD and Windows (Cygwin and ActivePerl) systems. # snmpcheck is distributed under GPL license and based on "Athena-2k" script by jshaw. # use strict; use Getopt::Std; use IO::Socket; use Net::SNMP; my $name = "snmpcheck.pl"; my $version = "v1.0"; my $description = "snmp enumerator"; my $copyright = "Copyright (c) 2005"; my $author = "Matteo Cantoni "; ##################################################################################################### # MIBs Involved my $mibDescr = ""; # System Description my $mibNTDomain = ""; # NT Primary Domain my $mibUptime = ""; # System Uptime my $mibContact = ""; # System Contact my $mibName = ""; # System Name my $mibLocation = ""; # System Location my $mibRunning = ""; # Running Programs my $mibRunPid = ""; # Running PIDs my $mibProName = ""; # Running Process Name (Solaris) my $mibProPid = ""; # Running Process Pid (Solaris) my $mibProUser = ""; # Running Process User (Solaris) my $mibInstalled = ""; # Installed Programs my $mibInstDate = ""; # Installed Date my $mibServices = ""; # Services (add to it) my $mibAccounts = ""; # User Accounts my $mibDateTime = ""; # System Date & Time my $mibMemSize = ""; # Total System Memory my $mibMotd = ""; # Motd (Solaris) # Storage my $mibStorDescr = ""; # Storage Description my $mibStoreHP = ""; # Storage Description (HP-UX) my $mibStorSize = ""; # Storage Total Size my $mibStorUsed = ""; # Storage Used my $mibPtype = ""; # Partition Type my $mibSDType = ""; # Storage Device Type # Network my $mibInt = ""; # Network Interfaces my $mibIntMTU = ""; # Net Int MTU Size my $mibIntSpeed = ""; # Net Int Speed my $mibIntBytesIn = ""; # Net Int Octets In my $mibIntBytesOut = ""; # Net Int Octects Out my $mibIntPhys = ""; # Int MAC addr my $mibAdminStat = ""; # Int up/down? my $mibIPForward = ""; # IP Forwarding? my $mibIPAddr = ""; # Int IP Address my $mibNetmask = ""; # Int IP Netmask # IIS my $http_totalBytesSentLowWord = ""; # totalBytesSentLowWord my $http_totalBytesReceivedLowWord = ""; # totalBytesReceivedLowWord my $http_totalFilesSent = ""; # totalFilesSent my $http_currentAnonymousUsers = ""; # currentAnonymousUsers my $http_currentNonAnonymousUsers = ""; # currentNonAnonymousUsers my $http_totalAnonymousUsers = ""; # totalAnonymousUsers my $http_totalNonAnonymousUsers = ""; # totalNonAnonymousUsers my $http_maxAnonymousUsers = ""; # maxAnonymousUsers my $http_maxNonAnonymousUsers = ""; # maxNonAnonymousUsers my $http_currentConnections = ""; # currentConnections my $http_maxConnections = ""; # maxConnections my $http_connectionAttempts = ""; # connectionAttempts my $http_logonAttempts = ""; # logonAttempts my $http_totalGets = ""; # totalGets my $http_totalPosts = ""; # totalPosts my $http_totalHeads = ""; # totalHeads my $http_totalOthers = ""; # totalOthers my $http_totalCGIRequests = ""; # totalCGIRequests my $http_totalBGIRequests = ""; # totalBGIRequests my $http_totalNotFoundErrors = ""; # totalNotFoundErrors # Shares my $mibShareName = ""; # Reports Share Names my $mibSharePath = ""; # Reports Share Path my $mibShareComm = ""; # Reports Share Comments # Routing Info my $mibRouteDest = ""; # Route Destinations my $mibRouteMetric = ""; # Route Metric my $mibRouteNHop = ""; # Route Next Hop my $mibRouteMask = ""; # Route Mask # TCP Connections my $mibTCPState = ""; # TCP Connect State my $mibTCPLAddr = ""; # TCP Local Address my $mibTCPLPort = ""; # TCP Local Port my $mibTCPRAddr = ""; # TCP Remote Address my $mibTCPRPort = ""; # TCP Remote Port # UDP Listening my $mibUDPLAddr = ""; # UDP Local Address my $mibUDPLPort = ""; # UDP Local Port ##################################################################################################### my ($session,$error,$response,$temp,$a); my $windows = 0; my $linux = 0; my $cisco = 0; my $sunos = 0; my $hpux = 0; my $timeout = 15; my $retries = 2; my $webport = 80; my %option; my $usage = "$name $version - $description\n$copyright by $author\n Usage ./$name -t host [-p udp/tcp] [-P] [-c] [-h]\n \t-t : target host; \t-p : set snmp protocol; default is \'udp\'; \t-P : set snmp port; default port is \'161\'; \t-c : set snmp community; default is \'public\'; \t-h : show help menu;\n\n"; our ($opt_t, $opt_p, $opt_P, $opt_c, $opt_h); getopts("t:p:P:c:h"); die $usage if $opt_h; die $usage if !$opt_t; my $remote = $opt_t; my $community = $opt_c || "public"; my $protocol = $opt_p || "udp"; my $port = $opt_P || 161; $|=1; print "$name $version - $description\n$copyright by $author\n\n"; Connect(); print "\n"; exit(0); sub Connect{ ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( Hostname => $remote, Community => $community, Domain => $protocol, Port => $port, Timeout => $timeout, Retries => $retries ); die " ERROR: $error\n\n" if !$session; my $Descr = GetRequest($mibDescr); for ($Descr){ s/^\s//; } $windows = 1 if ($Descr =~ /^Hardware/i); $linux = 1 if ($Descr =~ /^Linux/i); $cisco = 1 if ($Descr =~ /^Cisco/i); $sunos = 1 if ($Descr =~ /^Sun/i); $hpux = 1 if ($Descr =~ /^HP-UX/i); my $Name = GetRequest($mibName); my $Contact = GetRequest($mibContact); my $Location = GetRequest($mibLocation); my $Uptime = GetRequest($mibUptime); print " Hostname : $Name\n"; print " Ip address : $remote\n"; if ($windows == 1){ my @Descr = split(/:/, $Descr); my $NTDomain = GetRequest($mibNTDomain); my $Uptime = GetRequest($mibUptime); for ($Descr[1]){ s/^\s//; } for ($Descr[2]){ s/^\s//; } print " Hardware : $Descr[1]\n"; print " Software : $Descr[2]\n"; print " Primary Domain : $NTDomain\n"; print " System Uptime : $Uptime\n"; print " Contact : $Contact\n"; print " Location : $Location\n"; } if ($linux == 1){ my @Descr_linux = $Descr; for (@Descr_linux){ s/\r\n//g; } print " Hardware : @Descr_linux\n"; print " System Uptime : $Uptime\n"; print " Contact : $Contact\n"; print " Location : $Location\n"; } if ($cisco == 1){ my @Descr_cisco = $Descr; for (@Descr_cisco){ s/\r\n//g; } print " Hardware : @Descr_cisco\n"; print " System Uptime : $Uptime\n"; print " Contact : $Contact\n"; print " Location : $Location\n"; } if ($sunos == 1){ my $motd = GetRequest($mibMotd); chomp $motd; print " Hardware : $Descr\n"; print " System Uptime : $Uptime\n"; print " Motd : $motd\n"; print " Contact : $Contact\n"; print " Location : $Location\n"; } if ($hpux == 1){ print " Hardware : $Descr\n"; print " System Uptime : $Uptime\n"; print " Contact : $Contact\n"; print " Location : $Location\n"; } # # Hardware # if ($windows == 1){ my $MemSize = GetRequest($mibMemSize); my @StorDescr = GetTable($mibStorDescr); my @SDType = GetTable($mibSDType); my @Ptype = GetTable($mibPtype); print "\n\n Hardware\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; print " Total Memory : $MemSize KB\n"; for ($a = 0; $a < $#StorDescr; $a++){ if ($SDType[$a] eq ""){ $SDType[$a] = "Virtual Memory"; } if ($SDType[$a] eq ""){ $SDType[$a] = "Fixed Disk"; } if ($SDType[$a] eq ""){ $SDType[$a] = "Removable Disk"; } if ($SDType[$a] eq ""){ $SDType[$a] = "Compact Disc"; } if ($Ptype[$a] eq ""){ $Ptype[$a] = "UNKNOWN"; } if ($Ptype[$a] eq ""){ $Ptype[$a] = "NTFS"; } if ($StorDescr[$a] ne "Virtual Memory"){ print "\n"; print " $StorDescr[$a]\n"; print "\t Device Type : $SDType[$a]\n"; print "\t Partition Type : $Ptype[$a]\n"; } } } if ($hpux == 1){ my @StorDescr = GetTable($mibStoreHP); print "\n\n Hardware\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; for ($a = 0; $a < $#StorDescr; $a++){ print " $StorDescr[$a]\n" if (grep(/\//,$StorDescr[$a])); } } # # User accounts # if ($windows == 1){ my @Accounts = GetTable($mibAccounts); print "\n\n User accounts\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; foreach $temp(@Accounts){ print " $temp\n"; } } # # # Processes # if ($windows == 1){ my @Running = GetTable($mibRunning); my @RunPid = GetTable($mibRunPid); print "\n\n Processes\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; printf "\n %10s %25s\n", "process id", "process name"; printf " %10s %25s\n\n", "----------", "------------"; for ($a = 0; $a < scalar(@RunPid); $a++){ if ($Running[$a] ne " System Idle Process"){ printf " %10s %25s\n", $RunPid[$a], $Running[$a]; } } } if ($linux == 1){ my @Running = GetTable($mibRunning); my @RunPid = GetTable($mibRunPid); print "\n\n Processes\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; printf "\n %10s %25s\n", "process id", "process name"; printf " %10s %25s\n\n", "----------", "------------"; for ($a = 0; $a < scalar(@RunPid); $a++){ if ($Running[$a] ne " System Idle Process"){ printf " %10s %25s\n", $RunPid[$a], $Running[$a]; } } } if ($sunos == 1){ my @Running = GetTable($mibProName); my @RunPid = GetTable($mibProPid); my @RunUser = GetTable($mibProUser); print "\n\n Processes\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; printf "\n %10s %25s %25s\n", "process ID", "process name", "user name"; printf " %10s %25s %25s\n\n", "----------", "------------", "---------"; for ($a = 0; $a < scalar(@RunPid); $a++){ if ($Running[$a] ne " System Idle Process"){ printf " %10s %25s %25s\n", $RunPid[$a], $Running[$a], $RunUser[$a]; } } } # # Network services # if ($windows == 1){ my @Services = GetTable($mibServices); print "\n\n Network services\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; foreach $temp(@Services){ print " $temp\n"; } } # # IIS # if ($windows == 1){ my $connect = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $remote, PeerPort => $webport, Proto => 'tcp', Timeout => $timeout ); if ($connect){ my $http_totalBytesSentLowWord = GetRequest($http_totalBytesSentLowWord); my $http_totalBytesReceivedLowWord = GetRequest($http_totalBytesReceivedLowWord); my $http_totalFilesSent = GetRequest($http_totalFilesSent); my $http_currentAnonymousUsers = GetRequest($http_currentAnonymousUsers); my $http_currentNonAnonymousUsers = GetRequest($http_currentNonAnonymousUsers); my $http_totalAnonymousUsers = GetRequest($http_totalAnonymousUsers); my $http_totalNonAnonymousUsers = GetRequest($http_totalNonAnonymousUsers); my $http_maxAnonymousUsers = GetRequest($http_maxAnonymousUsers); my $http_maxNonAnonymousUsers = GetRequest($http_maxNonAnonymousUsers); my $http_currentConnections = GetRequest($http_currentConnections); my $http_maxConnections = GetRequest($http_maxConnections); my $http_connectionAttempts = GetRequest($http_connectionAttempts); my $http_logonAttempts = GetRequest($http_logonAttempts); my $http_totalGets = GetRequest($http_totalGets); my $http_totalPosts = GetRequest($http_totalPosts); my $http_totalHeads = GetRequest($http_totalHeads); my $http_totalOthers = GetRequest($http_totalOthers); my $http_totalCGIRequests = GetRequest($http_totalCGIRequests); my $http_totalBGIRequests = GetRequest($http_totalBGIRequests ); my $http_totalNotFoundErrors = GetRequest($http_totalNotFoundErrors); print "\n\n IIS\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; print " totalBytesSentLowWord : $http_totalBytesSentLowWord\n"; print " totalBytesReceivedLowWord : $http_totalBytesReceivedLowWord\n"; print " totalFilesSent : $http_totalFilesSent\n"; print " currentAnonymousUsers : $http_currentAnonymousUsers\n"; print " currentNonAnonymousUsers : $http_currentNonAnonymousUsers\n"; print " totalAnonymousUsers : $http_totalAnonymousUsers\n"; print " totalNonAnonymousUsers : $http_totalNonAnonymousUsers\n"; print " maxAnonymousUsers : $http_maxAnonymousUsers\n"; print " maxNonAnonymousUsers : $http_maxNonAnonymousUsers\n"; print " currentConnections : $http_currentConnections\n"; print " maxConnections : $http_maxConnections\n"; print " connectionAttempts : $http_connectionAttempts\n"; print " logonAttempts : $http_logonAttempts\n"; print " totalGets : $http_totalGets\n"; print " totalPosts : $http_totalPosts\n"; print " totalHeads : $http_totalHeads\n"; print " totalOthers : $http_totalOthers\n"; print " totalCGIRequests : $http_totalCGIRequests\n"; print " totalBGIRequests : $http_totalBGIRequests\n"; print " totalNotFoundErrors : $http_totalNotFoundErrors\n"; } } # # Network & Interfaces # my @Int = GetTable($mibInt); my @MTU = GetTable($mibIntMTU); my @IntSpeed = GetTable($mibIntSpeed); my @IntBytesIn = GetTable($mibIntBytesIn); my @IntBytesOut = GetTable($mibIntBytesOut); my @IntPhys = GetTable($mibIntPhys); my @IPAddr = GetTable($mibIPAddr); my @Netmask = GetTable($mibNetmask); my @AdminStat = GetTable($mibAdminStat); my $IPForward = GetRequest($mibIPForward); if ($IPForward eq "0" || $IPForward eq "2") { $IPForward = "no"; } print "\n\n Network interfaces\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; print " IP Forwarding Enabled : $IPForward\n\n"; for ($a = 0; $a < scalar(@Int); $a++){ chomp $Int[$a]; if ($AdminStat[$a] eq "0"){ $AdminStat[$a] = "down"; } else { $AdminStat[$a] = "up"; } $IntSpeed[$a] = $IntSpeed[$a] / 1000000; print " Interface : [ $AdminStat[$a] ] $Int[$a]\n"; print "\tHardware Address : $IntPhys[$a]\n"; print "\tInterface Speed : $IntSpeed[$a] Mbps\n"; print "\tIP Address : $IPAddr[$a]\n" if $IPAddr[$a]; print "\tNetmask : $Netmask[$a]\n" if $IPAddr[$a]; print "\tBytes In : $IntBytesIn[$a]\n" if $IntBytesIn[$a]; print "\tBytes Out : $IntBytesOut[$a]\n" if $IntBytesOut[$a]; print "\n"; } # # Routing information # my @RouteDest = &GetTable($mibRouteDest); my @RouteNHop = &GetTable($mibRouteNHop); my @RouteMask = &GetTable($mibRouteMask); my @RouteMetric = &GetTable($mibRouteMetric); print "\n Routing information\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; print " Destination:\t Next Hop:\t Mask:\tMetric:\n"; print " ------------\t ---------\t -----\t-------\n"; for ($a = 0; $a < scalar(@RouteDest); $a++){ printf "%17s%17s%17s%7s\n", $RouteDest[$a], $RouteNHop[$a], $RouteMask[$a], $RouteMetric[$a]; } my @TCPState = &GetTable($mibTCPState); my @TCPLAddr = &GetTable($mibTCPLAddr); my @TCPLPort = &GetTable($mibTCPLPort); my @TCPRAddr = &GetTable($mibTCPRAddr); my @TCPRPort = &GetTable($mibTCPRPort); # # TCP Connections # print "\n\n TCP connections\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; print " Local Address: Port Remote Address: Port\n\n"; for ($a = 0; $a < scalar(@TCPState); $a++){ if ($TCPState[$a] eq "2") { $TCPState[$a] = "(listening)"; } if ($TCPState[$a] eq "5") { $TCPState[$a] = "(established)"; } if ($TCPState[$a] eq "8") { $TCPState[$a] = "(Close Wait)"; } if ($TCPState[$a] eq "11") { $TCPState[$a] = "(time wait)"; } printf " %15s:%6s %17s:%6s\n", $TCPLAddr[$a], $TCPLPort[$a], $TCPRAddr[$a], $TCPRPort[$a]; } # # Listening UDP Ports # my @UDPLAddr = GetTable($mibUDPLAddr); my @UDPLPort = GetTable($mibUDPLPort); print "\n\n Listening UDP ports\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; printf " %17s %6s\n\n", "Address", "Port"; for($a = 0; $a < scalar(@UDPLAddr); $a++) { printf " %17s:%6s\n", $UDPLAddr[$a], $UDPLPort[$a]; } # # Mountpoints # if ($linux == 1){ my @StorDescr = GetTable($mibStorDescr); print "\n\n Mountpoints\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; for ($a = 0; $a < $#StorDescr; $a++){ print " $StorDescr[$a]\n" if (grep(/\//,$StorDescr[$a])); } } # # Software components # if ($windows == 1){ my @Installed = GetTable($mibInstalled); my @InstDate = GetTable($mibInstDate); print "\n\n Software components\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; for($a = 0; $a < scalar(@Installed); $a++) { print "\t$Installed[$a]\n"; } } if ($linux == 1){ my @Installed = GetTable($mibInstalled); my @InstDate = GetTable($mibInstDate); print "\n\n Software components\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; my @soft; for($a = 0; $a < scalar(@Installed); $a++) { #print "\t$Installed[$a]\n"; push @soft, $Installed[$a]; } @soft = sort @soft; foreach (@soft){ print "\t$_\n";} } # # Shares # if ($windows == 1){ &GetShares; } $session->close; } sub GetRequest{ my $response = ""; if (!($response = $session->get_request($_[0]))){ return "No Reponse"; } else { my $Return = $response->{$_[0]}; return $Return; } } sub GetTable{ my @Return; my $response = ""; if (!($response = $session->get_table($_[0]))){ return " No Response"; } my $x = 0; my $key; foreach $key (sort keys %$response){ if ($$response{$key} ne " Virtual Memory"){ $Return[$x] = $$response{$key}; $x++; } } return @Return; } sub GetShares{ my @ShareName = GetTable($mibShareName); my @SharePath = GetTable($mibSharePath); my @ShareComm = GetTable($mibShareComm); print "\n\n Non-administrative shares\n"; print " -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; for ($a = 0; $a < scalar(@ShareName); $a++){ print " Share Name : $ShareName[$a]\n"; print "\tPath : $SharePath[$a]\n"; print "\tComments : $ShareComm[$a]\n\n"; } }