- XSS hole -------------------------------- Desc: Theres' a XSS hole in FriendsReunited Risk: Medium to High (can be used to include malicious code) Discovered by : dyn0 (codeslag{hat} Site blurb : So FriendsReunited is one of those places where people that you dont really want to talk to can hunt you down and find you. Hole description : Theres a hole in the Lost Password section Screenshot : URL : ?wci=forgotton&member_email=%3Cscript%3Ealert(%22shoot%20the%20kids%20at%20school%22);%3C/script%3E&error=Y You can use this hole to include code...doesn't that make you hard? Hugs & Kisses dyn0/codeslag "Cops say you must refrain from smokin, drinkin' & hoppin trains" - LOC