- XSS hole ---------------------- Desc: Theres' a XSS hole in Risk: Medium to High (can be used to include malicious code) Discovered by : dyn0 (codeslag{hat} Site blurb : is another one of those crappy community sites for cam whores/scene kids/emo kids/goths/generic fools. If you haven't heard of then you must of been hiding under a rock for the past few years. Hole description : The hole is in the add comment function, for this to work you must be logged in and have a valid friendID. Screenshot : URL : &circuitaction=viewProfile_commentForm&friendID=[7-char-friend-id] &name=%3Cscript%3Ealert(%220xdeadface%20owns%20you%22);%3C/script%3E I have been able to confirm that this can be used for the inclusion of code (got any 0day IE exploits?) Hugs & Kisses dyn0/codeslag "When it came to throw brick through that starbucks window you left me all alone." - Against Me