Synopsis: Wyse Winterm 1125SE Remote DOS. Product: Wyse Winterm 1125SE Version: Confirmed on Firmware 4.2.09f, 4.4.061f (latest) Author: Josh Zlatin-Amishav Date: August 10, 2005 Background: The Winterm 1125SE is a thin client which runs the Wyse Blazer operating system. More information about the Wyse Blazer OS can be found here: a quote from the above URL: The Wyse Blazer OS has a closed source and limited distribution (of the source code). Attempts to expose vulnerabilities have been non-existent. In addition, the products image design and stateless nature make this product the most secure Winterm product available. ... Proprietary OS The Wyse Blazer product operates on a non-published, proprietary OS. This closed architecture makes the product far more secure than open source devices. Issue: It is possible to remotely crash the Winterm 1125SE terminal by sending a malformed packet with ip option len field set to zero. PoC: The exploit is identical to BID 7175. See the following URL for exploit code: -- - Josh