------------------------------------------------------------ - EXPL-A-2005-006 exploitlabs.com Advisory 034 - ------------------------------------------------------------ - XAMPP - OVERVIEW ======== XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html AFFECTED PRODUCTS ================= Windows Version 1.4.X http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html Linux 1.4.X ( all ) http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html Solaris 0.3 ( all ) http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-solaris.html DETAILS ======= 1. persistant XSS is present in user supplied input fields allowing attackers to render any javascript in the users browser. some javascript will break the application, disallowing further user input to the script. http://[host]/xampp/cds.php http://[host]/xampp/guestbook-en.pl ( linux ) http://[host]/xampp/phonebook.php 2. default / install usernames and passwords by viewing http://[host]/xampp/security.php XAMPP discloses usernames / passwords ( example below ) Item 2a ------- The phpMyAdmin user pma has no password UNSECURE phpMyAdmin saves your preferences in an extra MySQL database. To access this data phpMyAdmin uses the special user pma. This user has in the default installation no password set and to avoid any security problems you should give him a passwort. Item 2b ------- The MySQL user root has no password UNSECURE Every local user on Linux box can access your MySQL database with administrator rights. You should set a password. Item 2c ------- The FTP password for user nobody is still 'lampp' UNSECURE By using the default password for the FTP user nobody everyone can upload and change files for your XAMPP webserver. So if you enabled ProFTPD you should set a new password for user nobody. Item 2d ------- Tomcat Admin/Config User for XAMPP: User: xampp Password: xampp PROOF OF CONCEPT ================= Item 1a -------- http://[host]/xampp/cds.php enter text... stores values in the mysql database also 1c Item 1b -------- http://[host]/xampp/guestbook-en.pl see 1c Item 1c -------- http://[host]/xampp/phonebook.php enter into a input field... and when rendered forceably redirects the user to http;//evilattacker SOLUTION ======== none ( see vendor response ) vendor response: ---------------- Dear Donnie! > you have a severly insecure package. > here are my raw notes. Thank you for your notes. But XAMPP is meant only for internal development usage and not on production systems. See http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html (section "The philosopy") The vulnerable scripts are only very simple demonstation programms to test the functions of Apache/MySQL/etc. and to give beginners first inspirations in programming. Also this scripts are not meant for public usage. But you may be right. We should make the warning messages about the dangers of use for our software bigger. researcher comment: ------------------- a disclaimer of this type does not mitigate the security issues present in XAMPP. this package is targeted at beginners, the very users who need to be protected the most and taught secure by default. CREDITS ======= This vulnerability was discovered and researched by Donnie Werner of Exploitlabs Donnie Werner Information Security Specialist security@exploitlabs.com -- web: http://exploitlabs.com http://exploitlabs.com/files/advisories/EXPL-A-2005-006-xampp.txt _______________________________________________ Full-Disclosure - We believe in it. Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/