[Nikkyt0x Advisory] #0000-0001 [PHP Code Snippet Library Multiple Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerabilities] Software: PHP Code Snippet Library Vendor: http://www.php-csl.com/ Date: 24/08/2004 Author: Nikyt0x [ nikyt0x@hotmail.com ] Site: http://nikyt0x.webcindario.com Advisory URL: http://nikyt0x.webcindario.com/0001.txt Vamos Argentina ! [ Description ] It was designed to help PHP programmers store commonly used code in a central repository. Code can be stored in categories for easy managment. [ Vulnerability ] PHP Code Snippet Library not have html filters in: >cat_select >show [ Proof of concept ] http://localhost/[path]/index.php?cat_select=[XSS] http://localhost/[path]/index.php?cat_select=[XSS]&show=[XSS] Example: http://nikyt0x.webcindario.com/1.jpg