+-----[ Software ]-----+ The mod_ssl project provides strong cryptography for the Apache 1.3 webserver via the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols by the help of the Open Source SSL/TLS toolkit OpenSSL, which is based on SSLeay from Eric A. Young and Tim J. Hudson (http://www.modssl.org) +-----[ Version ]-----+ mod_ssl-2.8.18-1.3.31 +-----[ Description ]-----+ Format string vulnerability. +-----[ Vulnerable Code ]-----+ [ssl_engine_log.c] void ssl_log(server_rec *s, int level, const char *msg, ...) { ...... /* create custom message */ ap_vsnprintf(vstr, sizeof(vstr), msg, ap); ...... } +-----[ Greetings ]-----+ #coders @ irc.ttnet.net.tr http://deicide.siyahsapka.org +-----[ Shouts ]-----+ Thanks to enderunix (www.enderunix.org) core team for coding vulnerable softwares. +-----[ Contact ]-----+ http://virulent.siyahsapka.org virulent@siyahsapka.org +----------------------+