About XBoard: XBoard is a graphical chessboard that can serve as a user interface to chess engines (such as GNU Chess), the Internet Chess Servers, electronic mail correspondence chess, or your own collection of saved games. pxboard is a script that saves its standard input to a temporary file and invokes "xboard -loadGameFile file &" on the file. pxboard is a part of XBoard package. It is not used by default, only when explicitely called. More info: http://www.tim-mann.org/xboard.html The BUG: pxboard in XBoard 4.2.6 and older creates/writes to a file with a predictable filename in /tmp directory. In a multiuser environment malicious user could use this vulnerability to force pxboard user to overwrite any file she has write access to. The fix: 1) Upgrade to XBoard 4.2.7 OR 2) Replace pxboard script with the following one: #!/bin/sh tmp=`mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/pxboard.$$.XXXXXX"` || exit 1 cat > "$tmp" ( xboard -ncp -lgf "$tmp" "$@" ; rm "$tmp" ) & -- Martin Mačok http://underground.cz/ martin.macok@underground.cz http://Xtrmntr.org/ORBman/