[01.gif] [02.gif] [t5.jpg] NSFOCUS Security Advisory(SA2000-05) Topic£º Microsoft Windows 9x NETBIOS password verification vulnerability Release Date£º August 24, 2000 Affected System£º ================ - Microsoft Windows 95 - Microsoft Windows 98 - Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition Non-affected System£º ==================== - Windows NT 4.0 - Windows 2000 Impact: ========== A vulnerability exists in the password verification scheme utilized by Microsoft Windows 9x NETBIOS protocol implementation. This vulnerability will allow any user to access the Windows 9x file shared service with password protection. Attacker don't have to know the share password. Description£º ============= You can set password to protect Microsoft Windows 9x system's shared resources. But a vulnerability exists in the password verification scheme utilized by Microsoft Windows 9x NETBIOS protocol implementation. To verify the password, the length of the password depends on the length of the data sent from client to server. That is, if a client set the length of password to be 1 byte and send the packet to server, the server will only compare it with the first byte of the shared password, and if consistent, verification process is done. All an attacker need to do is to guess and try the first byte of password in the victim . Windows 9x remote management system is also affected cause it adopts the same shared password authentication method. Workaround£º ========= Close Microsoft file shared service. Microsoft has been informed. DISCLAIMS: ========== THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS RELEASED BY NSFOCUS "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. NSFOCUS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY. IN NO EVENTSHALL NSFOCUS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF NSFOCUS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. DISTRIBUTION OR REPRODUTION OF THE INFORMATION IS PROVIDED THAT THE ADVISORY IS NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY. ©Coypright 1999-2000 NSFOCUS. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use. NSFOCUS Security Team NSFOCUS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD (http://www.nsfocus.com) ©Copyright 2000 NSFOCUS Information Technology Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Contact:webmaster@nsfocus.com