******************************** Coding with the DNS protocol v2 -------------------------------- A tutorial by JimJones [Updated!] http://zsh.interniq.org [2000] ******************************** What's in a name? (I'm sorry for starting this passage off on such a trite tone, but it was inevitable) For many, its either a numerical IP or a hostname. A simple gethostbyaddr() or gethostbyname() can be used on the socket API layer to extract a hostent structure. We can then read the respective hostname or IP address from there. Simple? Yes. Sufficient? For almost all cases. But there is often that need to make a further step, whether out of sheer curiosity or because our application demands it. This tutorial will show you that extra step into the gray area - of DNS on the UDP and TCP packet level. Back to Square One ------------------ A lot of you may know this, so there's nothing stopping you from skipping to the next section. But just a quick recap for the others: We all know that an IP (v4) address is a 4 byte structure (32 bits), which can be classified under 1 of 5 types - Class A, B, C, D, and E. To avoid confusion between operation systems which handle data differently, a common network order is used. This network order is in the Big Endian style, which sends the most significant byte first. A domain name server typically runs on port 53 of UDP and TCP. My /etc/services file contains the following, for example: domain 53/tcp nameserver # name-domain server domain 53/udp nameserver The large majority of name server requests will be handled on the UDP port. The UDP name service is used to make simple queries and resolutions. The TCP name service will be used when grabbing or transferring zones, which are typically very large in size. The reason for the predominant quantity of DNS traffic being UDP-based is really quite simple. The user datagram protocol is lightweight and requires little overhead. If a client simply needs to convert a hostname to an IP, only a small string of characters is being sent to the name server, and a few meaningful bytes returned. This really does not require the complexity of a virtual connection as provided by TCP. DNS traffic also accounts for a very large percentage of Internet traffic, since end user applications usually take host input over IPs, as they are more memorable. Using TCP would be an overkill in most cases. If the DNS data can be packaged in 512 bytes or less, then the request can definitely be packaged in a UDP datagram. If the size exceeds this length, then the message can still be sent via UDP along with the truncate data (TC) bit set, but for very large transfers, TCP is preferred. This goes for zone transfers, as many can be up to megabytes in length, and the integrity of the data is essential for secondary nameservers that are backing up the zone data. If your application makes use of UDP transfers, there are some guide- lines that are wise to follow in the design of your program. That is, two rules for retransmissions: (1) always attempt to resend a failed packet to a secondary or alternate NS first before retransmitting to the same server again, and (2) enact reasonable timeouts that don't cause the network to become flooded or congested. A well written implementation will probably introduce a policy of exponential backoff for retransmission, which is similar to that found in many link level devices. Handling NS data via TCP is essentially the same, except that each packet is prepended by a 2 byte integer containing the length of the data to follow. When writing a client or server in TCP mode, it is important to remember that the client is responsible for terminating the connection in this negotiation, and not the server. You will almost always want to run your name server/make requests to port 53 except in the rarest conditions. Unlike FTP servers, for example, that sometimes run on high ports, NS's are almost always on port 53. Many DNS servers will reject packets not originating from source port 53, or they will be filtered out by firewalls or similar software. This port is very important to preserve! Some Other Stuff You Should Know -------------------------------- DNS operations are done in a case-insensitive manner, so it won't make a difference if you try to resolve www.yahoo.com or WWW.YAHOO.COM or wWw.YaHoO.cOm. However, when writing a server, you should try to preserve the case whenever possible. This is not so important in the management of user requests, but you can see why it would be vital in reverse resolution. Another common question often heard is "Exactly what is the maximum length of a domain name? The answer is 255 bytes. But none of the respective labels (or the segments of the domain name, typically represented as the text between the dots [.]) can exceed 63 bytes in length. Dissecting a DNS Packet: A Practical Laboratory ----------------------------------------------- We will now discuss constructor methods for DNS packets. The source to use for creating our reading your own DNS packet is to use the HEADER type, which is defined in /usr/include/arpa/nameser.h (simply reference with #include ). To fetch a DNS packet, we may create a socket descriptor with socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP|TCP) and recv into a buf. Once the buffer has been filled with incoming data, or we have created our own buffer to send, we can typecast it to a (HEADER *). A DNS packet could be defined as char dnspacket[PACKETSZ], where PACKETSZ is defined to be 512. We create a HEADER *myhead and initialize it with myhead = (HEADER *) dnspacket. The next steps are really quite simple. Type HEADER is simply a packed bitfield. The DNS header consists of 12 bytes. The first two are the ID, or identification sequence. This helps give each packet a unique identifier when a large volume of name service traffic is being sent. This can be likened to a xid field which is seen in several other network-based protocols. *NOTE: Be +VERY+ cautious when choosing IDs in applications which require real responses or relegate trust to an external server. Using a method of choosing IDs such as getpid() manipulation, or simple random functions are obviously insecure and can be predicted. This will result in the possibility of DNS cache poisoning or corruption, since a malicious host can inject false DNS replies into the stream. For secure applications, a method that has a large degree of entropy, or randomness, should be chosen. There are many such ways of reading "more random" bits such as keyboard latency and certain system environmental factors. This, however, is beyond the scope of this article. The next flag is operation field, which specifies a QUERY as 0 and a RESPONSE as 1. Obviously, when sending back a reply, set this field to 1, or 0 when making a request. The next field consisting of one nibble specifies an OPCODE. This can be 0 for a standard query (QUERY), 1 for an inverse query (IQUERY). Values 2 and 3, which have become deprecated, were used to query NS statuses and reversed, respectively, and the 4th option (NS_NOTIFY_OP) is beyond the scope of this article. The next fields are a slew of miscellaneous flags. AA, the authoritative answer bit, is set with a QR return of 1, when a name server has answered a request for which it has authority. Following this is the TC (truncation) bit, which notifies the app if a packet has been truncated due to size restrictions imposed on the transport layer. After this is the recursion desired (RD) bit, which tells the name server to pursue the operation even if it can not immediately return a reply. This is like telling the name server to fetch the answer from another name server if it does not yet have the answer. The RD bit is followed appropriately by the RA bit, set by the server only, to tell whether the desired recursion was available or not. The next 3 bytes are have no purpose and are all zeroed out. In the diagram below, however, they are labeled according to their old definitions. Finally, the last nibble of this word consists of the RCODE, or response code. Obviously, this is set by the server in responses. 0 signifies no error, 1 is a format error caused by a flaw in parsing the query, 2 denotes a server failure which bears no correlation to the client directly, 3 is a name error returned when the referenced domain name does not exist, 4 is sent as a response to a query type that is not yet supported (such as an unknown resource record), and finally, 5 is sent when an operation is refused by the name server (often for security reasons). The next 4 fields are 2 bytes each, in appropriate network order, and specify the number of items contained in the QUESTION, ANSWER, NAME SERVER, and ADDITIONAL records sections. A typical DNS packet will look like this: Byte |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| 1 2 3 4 ID (Cont) QR,OP,AA,TC,RD RA,0,AD,CD,CODE |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| 4 5 6 7 # Questions (Cont) # Answers (Cont) |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| 8 9 10 11 # Authority (Cont) # Additional (Cont) |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| Question Section |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| Answer Section |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| Authority Section |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| Additional Section |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| Where the last 4 sections take on variable length. ID - 16 bits, QR - 1 bit, Opcode - 4 bits, AA - 1 bit, TC - 1 bit, RD - 1 bit, RA - 1 bit, 3 zero bits, RCODE - 4 bits QDCOUNT, ANCOUNT, NSCOUNT, and ARCOUNT - 16 bits each The question section contains questions that are sent by a client to a name server (or a NS to another NS), the answer section contains answers to the questions sent back from the name server, the authority section contains name servers which are authoritative to the relevant data, and finally, the additional section is compromised of various records that are returned as supplementary data alongside the answer section. Here's a REALLY SIMPLE snippet of code that simply shows the parsing of a DNS header. You should be able to understand this. ---------------------------------------- #include ... int main () { struct sockaddr_in s_in; HEADER *dnsheader; char buf[PACKETSZ]; int fd; ... /* Insert your code here, socket(), etc */ recv (fd, &buf, sizeof (buf), 0); dnsheader = (HEADER *) &buf; printf ("Dumping DNS packet header:\n"); printf ("ID = %x, response = %s, opcode = ", ntohs (dnsheader->id), (dnsheader->qr ? "yes" : "no")); switch (dnsheader->opcode) { case 0: printf ("standard query\n"); break; case 1: printf ("inverse query\n"); break; default: printf ("undefined\n"); break; } printf ("Flags: %s %s %s %s\n", ((dnsheader->aa) ? "authoritative answer,\t" : ""), ((dnsheader->tc) ? "truncated message,\t" : ""), ((dnsheader->rd) ? "recursion desired," : ""), ((dnsheader->ra) ? "recursion available\t" : "")); if (dnsheader->qr) { printf("Response code - "); switch (dnsheader->rcode) { case 0: printf ("no error\n"); break; case 1: printf ("format error\n"); break; case 2: printf ("server failure\n"); break; case 3: printf ("non existent domain\n"); break; case 4: printf ("not implemented\n"); break; case 5: printf ("query refused\n"); break; default: printf ("undefined\n"); break; } } printf ("Question # - %d, Answer # - %d, NS # - %d, Additional # - %d\n", ntohs (dnsheader->qdcount), ntohs (dnsheader->ancount), ntohs (dnsheader->nscount), ntohs (dnsheader->arcount)); } ---------------------------------------- I guess one of the best ways to show DNS at work is to take a real life example. For this, we will be using a hex data dump for named requests. You can really do this anyway you want. Im going to use netcat for this example. (Yeah I know, netcat isn't exactly the most intensive tool for dumping data, but its lightweight and serves the purposes we want perfectly. We will parse a simple address request so we run it all in UDP mode and kill named first! JonesTown:/# killall named JonesTown:/# netcat -l -p 53 -u -o dump &; \ host -t A test.domain.com localhost; ------ Some output ------ JonesTown:/# cat dump < 00000000 45 1b 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 74 65 73 # E............tes < 00000010 74 06 64 6f 6d 61 69 6e 03 63 6f 6d 00 00 01 00 # t.domain.com.... < 00000020 01 JonesTown:/# 45 1b 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 74 65 73 74 06 64 6f 6d 61 69 6e 03 63 6f 6d 00 00 01 00 01 |_________________________________| |________________________________________________| |_________| The DNS packet header (12 bytes) Actual DNS request Suffix Now let's get down and dirty and dissect this. As seen, the first 12 bytes are the packet header, the first two of which are the DNS ID. This will be different each time. The value of these 2 bytes is really irrelevant. The next byte is set to 1. We see that the respective field for this value of "1" is set by the rd flag. (Remember, we are dealing with a byte here, not a bit, so don't get confused by thinking this is the QR field and asking why it's 1). Of course when querying a nameserver for an address, we wish to request recursion in case more nameservers must be first contacted. The rest of the fields are nulled (opcode also = 0 since this is a query). We reach the 6th byte, which is not 0. The value of this, too, is 1. Why? We are in the number of questions section. We are only asking one question: "What is the address of test.domain.com ?" Thus this number is one. There are no answers or authority/resource records so the rest of the DNS header is set to 0. Now we reach the formatted domain name. A hostname is simply a series of letters and numbers and hyphens that is delimited (separated) by periods. For example, our query is for test.domain.com. Now, "test.domain.com" consists of 3 words - "test", "domain", and "com" separated by periods. The respective lengths of these words is 4 (for "test"), 6 (for "domain"), and 3 (for "com"). The formatted string becomes the length of each word followed by the word, and terminated by a null (0). Now you understand the concept of a label. "test" is a label, "domain" is a label, and "com" is a label. These labels are merged together to form names. The maximum possible length of any given label is 63 bytes.Let's examine the DNS request chunk again. 04 74 65 73 74 06 64 6f 6d 61 69 6e 03 63 6f 6d 00 | t e s t | d o m a i n | c o m |-> terminated by a null |-> "test" len |-> "domain" len |-> "com" len The second-to-last 01 is the value of the resource query type (QTYPE). Since we see this line : #define T_A 1 /* host address */ This is where the last value of 01 comes from. The final 01 is the class type (QCLASS), or Internet in this case. #define C_IN 1 /* the arpa internet */ Internet records are all that are really relevant, as CHAOS and Hesiod aren't used any more. Thus we always want class C_IN records. It's as simple as that. It would be best to give the second part of this diagram a proper name. Following the 12 byte header in this packet, is what is formally called a "question." Any question consists of 3 parts, a QNAME, a QTYPE, and a QCLASS. A QNAME is a sequence of labels (test.domain.com) of variable lengths, a QTYPE is a 2 byte number which specifies the type ofthe query (T_A), and QCLASS is the class of the query (C_IN). Every question has these 3 elements. As I said, you will almost always reference the IN, or Internet class, but an equally viable method is to pass 255 (as a QTYPE only), which functions as an equivalent to a wildcard class (C_ANY). Let's do one final example. This is the hex dump of an HINFO query for "my.host.org" (HINFO, being a hardware information request). < 00000000 09 52 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 6d 79 04 # .R...........my. < 00000010 68 6f 73 74 03 6f 72 67 00 00 0d 00 01 # host.org..... We can bypass the 12 byte DNS header, since we know what that does. Then comes the query data. 02 6d 79 04 68 6f 73 74 03 6f 72 67 00 | m y | h o s t | o r g |-> null terminator |-> "my" len |-> "host" len |-> "org" len Here we see 0d in place of 01. T_A is 1, but HINFO is declared as #define T_HINFO 13 /* host information */ Thus the hexadecimal representation of "13" is 0d. The final 01 is an Internet class. QNAME = "my.host.org", QTYPE = T_HINFO, QCLASS = C_IN The following function is one I wrote for use in DNS-based applications. It will parse a DNS label, such as the one seen above, into elements delimited by a specific character. You might think that this delimiter would always be a dot ('.') but for HINFO records and some others, it's a space. Remember to reference this to the beginning of the data (pointer). ---------------------------------------- void printaddress (char *pointer, char delim) { int i, z; while (*pointer != 0) { z = *pointer; for (i = 0; (i < z); i++) { pointer++; if (isprint (*pointer)) printf ("%c", *pointer); } if (*(pointer + 1) != 0) printf ("%c", delim); pointer++; } } ---------------------------------------- Reversing this function would be trivial, for the purposes of creating a function to convert an alphanumerical IP address to a formatted DNS record. For the purposes of a reverse lookup, a PTR record is return. Basically,the target IP is passed to the name server in a reverse order, and an inverse query is performed. An IP of the form "a.b.c.d" is passed to the name server as "d.c.b.a.in-addr.arpa" Perhaps this form seems familiar to you now, as you have probably seen the "in-addr.arpa" notation used in BIND configuration files. This function is one to convert between the formatted IP contained in a PTR record and a normal IP address. ---------------------------------------- char * ptrtoip (char *ptrstring) { char *ip[4], *parse, *ret; int n = 1; ip[0] = strtok (ptrstring, "."); while ((n < 4) && ((parse = strtok (NULL, ".")) != NULL)) { ip[n] = parse; n++; } ret = (char *) malloc (16); sprintf (ret, "%s.%s.%s.%s\n", ip[3], ip[2], ip[1], ip[0]); } ---------------------------------------- For the handling of compressed names, the GETSHORT(), GETLONG(), PUTSHORT(), and PUTLONG() macros are also defined in These can be used to either inject or extract elements of records from DNS packets. You just have to remember that in DNS-intensive applications, compression methods will be employed that involve the use of DNS pointers. These pointers refer to bytes located in previous portions of the packets, as to avoid being repetitive and using unnecessary space. Obviously, this is key for huge name servers that handle thousands of requests every single minute. The Next Step: Parsing DNS Replies ---------------------------------- The following is the structure of a RR (resource record). All data is returned from the name server in this format. Byte |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| 1 2 3 4 .. x-1 Name (Variable length) |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| x x+1 x+2 x+3 Type (Cont) Class (Cont) |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| x+4 x+5 x+6 x+7 TTL (Cont) (Cont) (Cont) |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| x+8 x+9 x+10 .. y (Variable length) RDLength (Cont) RData (Cont) |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| This diagram may seem a little bit odd at first, but if you're confused by the x's, I'll just explain it differently: The name is a variable length field, which you can often find the end of with a null space marker. After this arbitrary length are a fixed TYPE and CLASS of two bytes each, a TTL (time to live) of 4 bytes, a resource length field of 2 bytes, and following this is the meat of the section: the resource data which is variable length, but you always know how many bytes to read because that's what's stored in RDATA. The name is not the actual RR data; it's just the name of the node or object that the data pertains to. For example, if you requested an HINFO record for www.sun.com, www.sun.com would be the label that appears in the name section. It is imperative that you read the data for TYPE; this 2 byte integer specifies exactly what RR will follow. The values are pre- defined in nameser.h, but here are a few examples, especially for those who aren't in a UNIX environment. A - 1 - Requests a hostname to be mapped to a 32 bit IP address (T_A) NS - 2 - Requests an authoritative domain server for a hostname (T_NS) CNAME - 5 - Requests a canonical name (an alias) for a hostname (T_CNAME) SOA - 6 - Start of authority zone, contains useful info about a zone (T_SOA) PTR - 12 - Reverse resolution to resolve an IP address to a hostname (T_PTR) HINFO - 13 - Request host information (hardware usually) about a host (T_HINFO) MINFO - 14 - Request mailbox information about a host (T_MXINFO) MX - 15 - Request mail exchanger for a domain (T_MX) TXT - 16 - A freeform miscellaneous text screen set by configurer (T_TXT) SIG - 24 - A security key (T_SIG) AAAA - 28 - Similar to A, except this works for IPv6 not IPv4 (T_AAAA) IXFR - 251 - Incremental zone transfer, often used to update a zone file (T_IXFR) AXFR - 252 - Transfer zone of authority (the whole thing, unlike IFXR (T_AXFR) ANY - 255 - Signifies all, like a wildcard * matching for DNS (T_ANY) This last record, ANY, can not actually be returned in a message. Nor can T_AXFR. It is actually, a QTYPE, not a TYPE. A QTYPE, as you may have guessed, is a "question type." QTYPEs contain all valid TYPEs, but in addition to these, are 4 more (AXFR, MAILA, MAILB, and ANY). The next 2 byte value, the CLASS, is like the super class that the record is stored in. THe valid identifiers for this are: IN - Internet (1), CS - CSNet (2), CH - CHAOS (3), HS - Hesiod (4) There is also a wildcard type like T_ANY, called C_ANY. This value is also 255. Like T_ANY, which is a QTYPE, C_ANY is a QCLASS, a class which can only be found in queries and not responses. The TTL (time to live) is a _signed_ 32 bit number, but its value is always positive, since obviously, negative times are non-existant. The TTL is provided for caching services. It would be inefficient to constantly keep querying your name server for www.yahoo.com's address if you frequently hit the site. Thus, when your resolver gets the address, it keeps it in an internal offline cache so it doesn't have to contact your name server the next time you look up the site. The record is maintained in the cache for as long as the TTL specifies. Large sites often have large TTL's for records that last for days. Some sites which provide dynamic DNS services, for example, have a much shorter TTL because information isn't static, and IPs can change quickly. The SOA record is a notable exception to all these rules - the TTL for an SOA is always 0 to avoid caching. As we mentioned before, the RDLENGTH specifies the 2-byte length of the actual resource data, which is contained in the RDATA section immediately following it. Additional records are not direct responses to the question, but are nevertheless packaged along in the answer section, if they are pertinent. ARs are sometimes omitted if the same RR appears elsewhere in the body of the packet. The resource record data is usually expressed as a bunch of labels, as we saw before, which are terminated by a NULL, or a character string, which is simply a series of characters up to 256 bytes long, which is treated as binary data. This section is useful for interpreting various resource data: RR Representation Other -- -------------- ----- A 32 bit address Generates no additional records NS Labels Specifies which host is an - authoritative NS for the specified - CLASS and domain - A records are generated to show the - address of these NS's CNAME Labels Generates no additional records PTR Labels Generates no additional records HINFO 2 char strings The first char string is the CPU, the - second is the OS - Often used by FTP to synchronize OS - types for interaction purposes MX u_short and label 2 byte PREFERENCE record comes first: - numerical preference of the MX - The lower value, the more preferred - the exchanger is - This is followed by an EXCHANGE label, - which specifies the host doing the - mail exchange - - A records are generated in the AR - section for the exchange LABEL TXT Char string Can contain a variable number of - character strings AAAA 128 bit IPv6 address I didn't include the SOA RR above, because it is a special and much more complex type. The SOA RR is divided as follows: MNAME - RNAME - SERIAL - REFRESH - RETRY - EXPIRE - MINIMUM SUB Representation Other --- -------------- ----- MNAME Char string Server which is the primary source of - data for this zone RNAME Char string The mailbox of the zone's manager SERIAL 4 bytes The zone's version/serial number REFRESH 4 bytes Time that should elapse before the - zone is refreshed RETRY 4 bytes The time a client should wait between - retrying failed refresh operations EXPIRE 4 bytes Time limit before the zone expires - and is no longer authoritative MINIMUM 4 bytes An unsigned minimum standard TTL that - should be exported with any of the - zone's RRs An SOA RR isn't responsible for creating any additional records. An important use of the SOA record is in an incremental zone transfer (IXFR). This is a way of updating the zone file without a complete zone (AXFR) transfer. Basically, when requesting an updated zone via IXFR, the client has the zone serial number handy. It passes this SERIAL field to the server, and the server is able to create a reply that consists of the differing lines between the zone file with the passed SERIAL and the current file and its new SERIAL. We will have one more practical packet dissection exercise here. Consider the reply returned by the following command: Jonestown% host -t A zsh.interniq.org zsh.interniq.org has address The reply looks like this - b9 dc 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 02 03 7a 73 68 .............zsh 08 69 6e 74 65 72 6e 69 71 03 6f 72 67 00 00 01 .interniq.org... 00 01 c0 0c 00 01 00 01 00 01 50 b1 00 04 cf ae ..........P..... 8b 8a 08 49 4e 54 45 52 4e 49 51 03 6f 72 67 00 ...INTERNIQ.org. 00 02 00 01 00 02 a1 f7 00 06 03 4e 53 32 c0 32 ...........NS2.2 c0 32 00 02 00 01 00 02 a1 f7 00 06 03 4e 53 31 .2...........NS1 c0 32 c0 4a 00 01 00 01 00 02 a1 cf 00 04 ce a8 .2.J............ e7 5b c0 5c 00 01 00 01 00 02 a1 cf 00 04 cf ae .[.\............ 8b 82 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Let's pick this apart. The first 2 bytes are an ID which are variable and will change every time. The next 2 bytes are the various DNS header flags, but I'll leave it as an excercise to the reader to interpret them. We continue parsing the DNS header. With the small DNS header applet above, we get the following output: -------------------------------------------------------- Dumping DNS packet header: ID = b9dc, response = yes, opcode = standard query Flags: recursion desired, recursion available Response code - no error Question # - 1, Answer # - 1, NS # - 2, Additional # - 2 -------------------------------------------------------- We see that the QDCOUNT bytes (00 and 01) signify that there is 1 question, there is 1 answer (ANCOUNT = 1), there are 2 authority entries (NSCOUNT = 2), and there were also 2 additional records returned (ARCOUNT = 2). We've now read past the 12 byte header and we're in the question section. The current byte is 0x03. This is the beginning of the QNAME label. We read 3 bytes and get 'zsh'. The current byte is now '0x08. We read for 8 bytes and get 'interniq'. The current byte is now once again 0x03. We read for 3 bytes and get 'org'. There is a NULL terminator has ended. Thus the pertinent label (QNAME) is zsh.interniq.org. We read the next 4 bytes (2 bytes for the QTYPE and 2 for the QCLASS) and get 0x01 for both of them. This corresponds to an A type (1) and an Internet class. We've read from 0xb9 to 0x01 and we have the question section: 'zsh.interniq.org' T_A C_IN Since the QDCOUNT was only 1, we have read our single entry and now we're in the answer section, whose count is also 2. The current byte is 0xc0. Now, this next part will require a grasp on DNS compression, so you should read on to the next section, "Some Advanced DNS Techniques" if you do not already know this, and then return. We see the byte 0xc0, which corresponds to a decimal value of 192. This is clearly larger than the max label length (MAXLABEL = 63), so we know that we have a DNS pointer on our hands. We know that the pointer references the absolute offset of 'xc00c' We know that the first 2 bits of the first byte must be ignored, because this is the signature of a compressed label. So we get rid of these 2 bits by bitmasking them out. Here's some code for the purpose. --------------------- char packet[PACKETSZ], *point; u_short label_offset; .... point = packet; label_offset &= 0x3fff; /* This bitmask clears the first 2 bits */ point += (label_offset++); /* Seek to the pointer */ --------------------- Think of label_offset as being an absolute offset to an element in a 0-indexed array. We read the label that we have now skipped to, which is the one we just did above. Then we read the 2 byte TYPE and CLASS, and as one would expect, they are 1 and 1 again (A and IN). Then we read the 4 byte TTL, 0x000150b1, which we cast into a signed 32 bit integer. Next comes the RDLENGTH section, which consists of 2 bytes. We pull up 0x00 and 0x04. This is the equivalent of the decimal number 4. Is this any surprise? Well, we're reading an RR of type A, which is a 32 bit IP address (INADDRSZ = 4 bytes). Now we know that the RDATA section has 4 bytes. So we read these into a u_int32_t variable. We have our host's address in network byte order. A little bit of inet_ntoa () magic and 0xcfae8b8a becomes voila :) Where does this leave us? 'zsh.interniq.org' T_A C_IN TTL=86193, resource len = 4, resource data = The answer section had a count of 1 and we read this single record. Now we're parsing the authority section. The current byte is 0x08 and we're reading a label. We read the next 8 bytes: 'INTERNIQ'; now the current byte is 0x03; we read the next 3 bytes, 'ORG' and hit a null. Our label is 'INTERNIQ.ORG' as this is the domain to which the RR pertains. The next 2 bytes are 0x00 and 0x02, which correspond to a TYPE of 2 or (NS). We now know we're receiving information about the domain's name servers. The next 2 bytes, 0x00 and 0x01, or a decimal 1, correspond to a CLASS of Internet. Not surprising. We read the next 4 values for a TTL of 0x0002a1f7. The next two bytes are the RDLENGTH, which we read as 6. So our RDATA section is 6 bytes long. We know the format of the RDATA for a T_NS record from above. We start parsing the label. The first byte is 0x03. We read the next 3 bytes: 'NS2'. The next label length is 0xc0. Oh does this ever look familiar! It's the same one as before, which was over 63 bytes. So we know it's a DNS pointer to 0xc032, or decimal 50. Offset 50 leads to 0x8, the start of INTERNIQ. So for the first authoritative reply we have - INTERNIQ.org T_NS C_IN TTL=0x0002alf7 resource len = 6, resource data = NS2.INTERNIQ.org Notice that the RDLENGTH was 6, and not strlen (NS2.INTERNIQ.org). This is because the physical space for this data was 6 bytes: 1 for 0x3, 3 for 'NS2', and 2 for the offset (1 + 3 + 2 = 6). ARCOUNT = 2, so we still have one more authority record left. We're at c0 again and we know its another offset. This time, not only does the RDATA contain an offset, but the name as well. We know from before that this offset 0xc032 leads to INTERNIQ.org, so we know this record applies to INTERNIQ.org. So we continue reading this record the same way as we did above and we end up with INTERNIQ.org T_NS C_IN TTL=0x0002a1f7 resource len = 6, resource data = NS1.INTERNIQ.org We're in our last section, the additional resource section. ARCOUNT is 2, so we know we'll have 2 records. We're at 0xc0 now and we know our label is a pointer. We know this pointer leads to INTERNIQ.org. Actually, this is interesting since we have 2 pointers in a row. The labels from these will be concatenated together. We've done enough parsing, but just skimming through we can see the classes for both of these RR's are C_IN and the TYPEs are T_A with RDLENGTH 4. So what's happening? Additional resource records were returned that contained the IP addresses for our two name servers. Now you're pretty much ready for anything ;) Some Advanced DNS Techniques ---------------------------- One topic that I've touched on lightly but haven't discussed with any certain amount of detail has been DNS compression. Traffic through the DNS channel is common, and generates a high number of packets. For this reason, compression has been implemented to save space. Say, for example, that we generate some questions for a certain domain. We might package 3 questions concerning the A, CNAME, and MX for "myschool.edu." Now, the response might come back with several different answers, referencing domain names such as "myschool.edu," "mail.myschool.edu," and "www.myschool.edu." You can see that it would be redundant to repeat "myschool.edu" 3 times, so compression has been introduced to allow us to reference this label multiple times with minimal space expenditure. Remember how it was said earlier that the maximum length of a label is only 63 bytes. This is funny: aren't we using a single byte to determine the length of the label Then the maximum label length should be 128, shouldn't it? No. The first 2 bits of every normal label length byte are set to 0. This gives it a maximum value of 63, and not 128. When compression is employed, these 2 bits are set to 1. So basically, an offset is a 2 byte integer that gives the absolute offset of the label from the beginning of the DNS header (ID field). Only the trailing 14 bits of this 16-bit offset are read in, as the first 2 are reserved and always 1. Compression can also be used recursively, in the sense that a label can point to another label, which too, contains a pointer. If compression is used in the RDATA section of a response, then the length of the compressed label is given, because that's really only the space that was allocated for that record. For example, if we read the a label length field, and find the first 2 bits to be 1, we read the current 2 bytes into an integer. We seek to the absolute offset from the beginning of the header (after the 2 byte length field for TCP packets) and continue reading from that byte. The absolute value is found by subtracting the 14 bit offset 00xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx from the 16 bit one, 11xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx. There is also another type of query we haven't yet discussed. This is called an inverse query. Like its descriptive name suggests, inverse queries are the opposite of standard ones. Instead of passing questions to the name server and reading answers, we pass the filled- in answer records to the server and expect it to return the appropriate questions (thus the name, inverse query). Remember, when doing this, to set the DNS packet header's opcode to type IQUERY. Don't worry about filling in every single element of the RR when requesting an IQUERY. The TTL obviously can not be known, and the owner name can't be either. Thus you can leave these two sections blank (zeroed out) and just fill in the TYPE, CLASS, RDLENGTH, and RDATA elements. Introduction to DNS Security Mechanisms --------------------------------------- I will not delve very far into the specifics of these security features, but merely present a broad overview. The domain name system on today's Internet is a big jumble of various servers. A client queries a server which queries another server which queries another server to get the appropriate answer. It's a wonder that there's not more entanglements and failures in these systems. Notice through all of this that all these messages go zipping across the network in unencrypted form, and most are sent encapsulated in UDP packets, which means that attackers can spoof them easily. DNS also operates on a high universal base trust level that assumes that equitable information will be returned to every single host. This does not allow for many of the certainties of modern secure models, such as guarantees of authenticity, integrity, and nonrepudation. This brings forth the introduction of the introduction of a new security key resource record, or the T_KEY RR (25). If a server is configured to run these extensions, it will return the keys along with the requested data, in the AR section. The encryption scheme is a public key one; for those of you who aren't cryptographers, this basically means that rather than having a pair of identical keys for encryption and decryption, a public key is given to all users and a private key is held by the server. A public key is used to encrypt data which can only be decrypted with the posession of a private key, and the private key can encrypt data which can only be decrypted by a public key. This allows all users to verify a message signed by a public key. The keys are associated with various zones and not the server in particular. Thus a server won't merely have a single key to provide verification for all of its zones. The keys returned in the RRs are also signed, to ensure an even further layer of security. A KEY RR has 4 major components: the first 2 bytes are stored for FLAGS, the next 2 bytes describes a protocol and an algorithm (1 byte each), and a variable amount of data is left for a public key at the end. The first 2 bits of the FLAGS section determine the KEYTYPE - 10 - The key can not be used for authentication 01 - The key can not be used for confidentiality 00 - The key can be used for either 11 - There is no key (this stops processing of a KEY RR and leaves the zone data in a questionable state because it can not be verified. The 3-6 bits should usually be kept to 0 (the 4th bit isnt reserved, but the rest are). Bits 7 and 8 encode the name type. These values are as follows: 00 - They key is associated with a user account defined by the name 01 - This is a zone key for the appropriate zone given by the name 10 - This is a key associated with an entity which is not a part of the zone but is still defined by the name 11 - Reserved The 3rd byte of the RR, reserved for the underlying Internet protocol can be defined as one of the following: 0 - Reserved 1 - For use in connection with TTLs 2 - For use in connection with email 3 - dnssec (almost always should be used) 4 - IPSEC - Identifies and prepares the host for IPSEC communication 255 - Wildcard (specifies a key which can be used with any protocol) The next byte is the KEY algorithm. These values are: 0 - Reserved 1 - RSA/MD5 2 - Diffie-Hellman 3 - DSA 4 - Elliptic curve cryptography 253-254 - Private The next important RR type is T_SIG (24). The purpose of this is to create an unforgable signature for a resource record which is timestamped and nonrepudiable. This is really a complicated type, so I'm going to quickly outline its components: Field Name Length Purpose ---------- ------ ------- Type covered 2 bytes This is the type of RR covered by the SIG Algorithm # 1 byte See above (T_KEY specifications) Labels field 1 byte # of labels in the SIG RR owner name Original TTL 4 bytes Securely signed original TTL SIG Expire 4 bytes UNIX based (01/01/70 GMT) absolute time of - when the signature will expire SIG Inception 4 bytes UNIX time of when the record was signed Key Tag 2 bytes Instructs which key should be used Signer's Name Variable Domain name of the signer making the SIG RR Signature Field Variable Binds the SIG RR to the RRSet I know that this section does not do an extremely good job of explaining the mechanics of dnssec, but it is such a broad subject which is only a small subset of the overall DNS picture, and going into further detail would far surpass the scope of this tutorial. The important point of this section is to give an awareness of how the DNS security model works to send along SIG and KEY records (and unmentioned others) along with resource records so that their origin and authenticity can be verified. Putting Use to all This Information ----------------------------------- Perhaps you just read this article and you're not sure exactly how this information will be useful to you. Well, the fact is that this tutorial isn't going to be useful for everybody, but that are several uses of knowing raw DNS apart from simply knowing how to create your own resolving library or server. You may have to add support for IPv6 resolution on a platform which is not yet fully compliant with the changes and does not yet support AAAA records. Mail servers must employ the use of an interesting name server feature that is not always handled in the standard socket or resolution library. This is the MX resource record. When you send EMAIL to abc@xyz.com, there need not necessarily except an xyz.com (as an A record). The mail server looks up the mail exchanger for this domain, rather than the IP address, to handle the outgoing mail. This is how some organizations handle EMAIL for other. There are several other uses that are self-apparent, but reading this article or the RFC is just a smart idea of how to get behind the ball if you are responsible for configuring a daemon like BIND. A more comprehensive knowledge of the protocol will certainly result in the detection of errors and optimization of zone files. Closing Words and References ---------------------------- Well, that's about it. This was a quick little dip into DNS, nothing major. You should be able to figure out the rest of it reading the RFC's, or if you're more adventurous, it's really pretty easy to reverse engineer the protocol through dumps. Take care and happy coding. There are some good references for this sort of thing: As always, consult the appropriate RFC's. These include : RFC #1035 : Domain Names - Implementation and Specification RFC #1536 : Common DNS Implementation Errors and Suggested Fixes RFC #1912 : Common DNS Operational and Configuration Errors RFC #1995 : Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS (IXFR) RFC #2535 : Domain Name System Security Extensions Another good series for networking programming series (even though it's certainly geared towards Windows/Winsock programmers) is the DNS portion of the "Rolling Your Own Intranet" article found at http://users.neca.com/vmis/dns.htm. This site, as I said, focuses on Winsock, but is still pretty good for picking apart at basic DNS packets. And of course, my favorite Internet basics book, "Internetworking with TCP/IP" contains a pretty good DNS section.