Introduction to VMS - Part II. This is part 2 of my 3 part Introduction to VMS which will hopefully enable you to gain a much more complete introductionary grasp of the Operating System and its Security Arrangements. In the first text, found on the 9x webpage, I covered the basic background of VMS as well as showing some basics commands and talking a little bit about security with the list of some default logins. This paper will see a slightly more indepth look at security and gaining (superuser) access on a machine running VMS, at the same time as keeping in mind that this is an *introduction* and therefore not getting too technical (that will come in later files). The information presented in this text file is for educational use only. If you decide to use what you learn in this text and you get busted, don't blame me for showing you the information. --> User Privileges Before we actually look at ways to exploit VMS security I should give you a background of user privileges as they are different to UNIX user privileges etc. Our aim on a VMS box is to gain the highest number of privileges that we can in order to explore the box to the greatest potential. Each account has a different number of privileges. To see what privileges your users account has enter the following command at the prompt. $ show proc/priv This will then show you a list of your Authorised Privileges, Process Privileges, Process Rights and System Rights. The Following is a list of Privileges that are commonly found on VMS systems. This list is taken directly from the alt.2600/#hack FAQ. -- snip -- ACNT Allows you to restrain accounting messages ALLSPOOL Allows you to allocate spooled devices ALTPRI Allot Priority. This allows you to set any priority value BUGCHK Allows you make bug check error log entries BYPASS Enables you to disregard protections CMEXEC/ CMKRNL Change to executive or kernel mode. These privileges allow a process to execute optional routines with KERNEL and EXECUTIVE access modes. CMKRNL is the most powerful privilege on VMS as anything protected can be accessed if you have this privilege. You must have these privileges to gain access to the kernel data structures directly. DETACH This privilege allow you to create detached processes of arbitrary UICs DIAGNOSE With this privilege you can diagnose devices EXQUOTA Allows you to exceed your disk quota GROUP This privilege grants you permission to affect other processes in the same rank GRPNAM Allows you to insert group logical names into the group logical names table. GRPPRV Enables you to access system group objects through system protection field LOG_IO Allows you to issue logical input output requests MOUNT May execute the mount function NETMBX Allows you to create network connections OPER Allows you to perform operator functions PFNMAP Allows you to map to specific physical pages PHY_IO Allows you to perform physical input output requests PRMCEB Can create permanent common event clusters PRMGBL Allows you to create permanent global sections PRMMBX Allows you to create permanent mailboxes PSWAPM Allows you to change a processes swap mode READALL Allows you read access to everything SECURITY Enables you to perform security related functions SETPRV Enable all privileges SHARE Allows you to access devices allocated to other users. This is used to assign system mailboxes. SHMEM Enables you to modify objects in shared memory SYSGBL Allows you to create system wide permanent global sections SYSLCK Allows you to lock system wide resources SYSNAM Allows you to insert in system logical names in the names table. SYSPRV If a process holds this privilege then it is the same as a process holding the system user identification code. TMPMBX Allows you create temporary mailboxes VOLPRO Enables you to override volume protection WORLD When this is set you can affect other processes in the world -- snip -- You will be able to see which privileges your user account has when you run the command shown above on your target host's box. A typical normal-user with no superuser rights will have the Process Privileges NETMBX and TMPMBX which will allow the user to make network connections and to make a mailbox. This is very basic privileges on a system, but these are the most common Process Privileges that you will find of normal "bottom-range" users. However, more privileges are needed in order to explore the box further. A thing I have done a number of times, without actually realising before hand, is gained a SYSTEM account from what I just presumed was a normal user. The best way to check to see if you have full privileges on the system is to type the following command. $ set proc/priv=all If there is no error message you have found yourself a SYSTEM account, which is basically a SuperUser account which will let you add users, read files, change necessary data etc. --> Expired User Exploit The following exploit is basically an expired user exploit which was documented as being found by a guy called Hellmaster. I did a little experimentation with this bug and I found that it had a high success rate on expired accounts on VMS 6.2 and under platforms. This bug is very useful if you have a lot of information about your target system. For example, if your target is running the finger daemon you could easily guess login names of users etc. if you knew the generic breakdown of the usernames. To demonstrate this I will show you a simple way to gain information about the structures of usernames by using a username structure I found at a big .edu a while ago. The .edu used a system of both letters and numbers for usernames, depending on what grade you were in college and what your name was. For example, if you were a college freshman and your name was Mike Fisher than your login would be something like.. mkr121 mk == The first letters of your names. r == The Year eg. 1998 (previous letters indicate previous years) 121 == Some numeric catergorisation Now, in order to exploit the expired user exploit you must find old users to the system whose accounts have expired but have not been deleted. College's are great for helping you exploit this bug. All you need to do is go through a student directory of email addresses/homepages and look for old accounts. This is simple and can soon result in you having 2-3 hacked expired accounts for further exploration. The simple alternative to searching directories etc. is to use the finger daemon as I suggested above, this is simple once you have the structures of the usernames broken down you can easily finger users and look for old Last Login dates. Once you have a list of usernames with old last login dates, or usernames that you feel are expired then telnet to the target host entering the username and the password "temp". For example.. Username: mkr121 Password: temp You will now gain access to the system, however, the system will prompt you to enter a new valid password as your old password has expired. So, with a little background research you can easily gain an account on a system which contains expired accounts. On the subject of colleges/universities, it may be handy to remember that the faculty have accounts on these machines too, and the faculty will usually be given more user-privileges than student users, so perhaps faculty users are the users to target. --> Bypassing Login Sequence There is an exploit that exists which bypasses the login sequence and drop's you straight into a DCL prompt. However, I have personally only found this to work on VMS 4.2 and below. The exploit works by bypassing the sequence. The normal login sequence on a VMS box is as follows. After you enter your username and password the file is executed, is a default login file that activates when every user logs onto the system, then searches the users home directory that logged on for his individual file. The file is basically the file that sets all your shell parameters, such as terminal settings, executing programs etc. To execute the exploit you need to know a valid username on the system (I discussed a few easy ways to gain usernames earlier in this txt). Once you have your valid username you simply type the following at the login prompt. Username: mkr121/nocommand This will then drop you straight into the DCL command prompt. As you can see from above, all we did was add the text /nocommand after the login name. This /nocommand switch is known as a login qualifier. Login qualifiers exist to enable the user to change certain things about the login sequence. For example.. Username: mkr121/ The above command would log us into the system using the file in your home directory. Please note, this cannot be used to gain access to the system, this command line is just for use after you have an account on your system. For example, you could code a little batch file that when executed at login will set all the login parameters to your defined preference, as well as execute all the programs you want executing at login etc. Other login qualifiers you can use at the login prompt are as follows.. /disk - Changes the default system disk. /new_password - Asks you to set a new password. This technique will not however work if the admin set captive flags on. If captive flags are on then you cannot break out of the preset login batch file into a DCL prompt. Any sensible admin would set captive flags on, but often, this parameter is not set to on in a user profile, therefore allowing people to use the login qualifiers, as shown above. --> Restricted Accounts During your time hacking machines running VMS you may find that some accounts, especially those on .edu subnet's are running a sort of restricted-shell atmosphere. This is bad for you as you need access to the DCL system prompt. However, there is an vulnerability that you can exploit within restricted shells. When logged into a restricted shell account on a VMS box try hitting Ctrl-Y to break out of the shell into a prompt such as MAIL> or TELNET>. Once at one of these prompts, type SPAWN which should then create a DCL command prompt from which you have gained greater system access and broken the old restricted --> Gaining More Accounts Once you have SYSTEM access on a box you will want to gain as many accounts on the box as you can, incase some die, or you lose access. This way you will have other accounts to fall back on. The best way to gain other accounts is to first pull off a list of users on a system. There are literally a lot of ways to do this at the command prompt. I'll highlight a few ways, take your pick. I would recommend using some kind of terminal logger while pipeing the information in the user files onto your terminal. If you are in Linux, use the script command to save the terminal session to a file (defaulting as typescript), and if you are in windows, use the telnet.exe logging feature. $ type sys$system:rightslist.dat This will pipe the information from sys$system:rightslist.dat onto the terminal from where you can view and pick out user names etc. The only problem with using the type command to pipe the user data is that it leaves garbage characters on your terminal. These garbage characters are however quite easy to distinguise from the login usernames. When looking at your screen when displaying rightslist.dat try to ignore the first character of each username as that is simply garbage. Using your judgement here can help a lot. This is the quickest method for gaining a copy of sys$system:rightslist.dat but if you are willing to wait a bit longer there is a much better way of pipeing the data contained in sys$system:rightslist.dat onto your terminal. $ dump sys$system:rightslist.dat This uses the dump command to dump the contents of sys$system:rightslist.dat straight onto your terminal without any garbage characters or unneccesary changes in the content of the file. Another way of gaining the list of users on a system is to abuse the file permission of a file that might have been created by the admin. Sometimes, an admin might use the LIST command to produce a list of users on the system from the data contained in the sys$system directory. If he has done this the userlist is then saved to the file SYSUAF.LIS which unless changed by the admin (and usually not) is set as WORLD readable, in other words, ready for you to grab. To grab this file to your terminal try the following command line.. $ type sys$system:sysuaf.lis If this worked you will now have a list of usernames for that system flashing by your terminal. All these techniques result in the same thing, gaining a list of usernames for users on the system, so once you have your username list its time to go back to basics and brute force the list to gain more accounts. If you know what the default account password is then keep trying that against every username. For example, the default password could be the same as the username, or the users date of birth, or even a word such as temp or password, its up to you to do some research. Look out for Part-III of my Introduction to VMS soon, until then check out the links below for more fun stuph. 9x -> b4b0 -> gr1p