The Top 9 Ways to Prepare for the Millennium Bug 9> Sell stock in Microsoft and AOL, invest everything in shotguns and bottled water. 8> Move computer's clock ahead now to test for co^^^NO CARRIER 7> Start writing an exquisitely obscene job-resignation letter. 6> Stockpile semen to repopulate Earth in case post-Apocalypse chicks still won't have sex with you. 5> Open checking accounts in dozens of different banks with no more than $20 in each, and wait for a windfall. 4> Convert to Judaism, then begin worrying about the Y10K bug. 3> Party like its 1899 2> Discard toasters made before 1995 because nobody likes bread toasted for 2 minutes and 100 years. and Number 1 Way to Prepare for the Millennium Bug... 1> Send Schwarzenegger back in time to bitch slap those lazy COBOL engineers.