> If you are using pooled memory functions and you have deleted > your pool using LibDeletePool(), then it is advisable to create > a new pool using LibCreatePool() before you use the pool again. > > >Took me three hours to learn that. But you can laugh about it now, can't you? Debugging purity test --------------------- This is in the style of those purity tests which let you tell by a single number, whether or not someone else is a likely candidate to sleep with / buy drugs from. However, given that my score on such tests is ridiculously high, I thought I'd write a quite different kind of test which I can a respectably low score on. For those of you who don't know the rules, it works like this: * Answer 'yes' or 'no' to each of the questions. * Work out the proportion of 'no' answers. * Add this to your signature or plan (finger) file. Your Bugs 1. Have you blamed your bug on the compiler? 2. ...on the OS? 3. ...bad font in the text editor? 4. Have you had to reboot to recover from your bug? 5. ...had to reinstall the OS? 6. ...had to replace hardware? 7. Have you sworn at your computer for executing your bug? 8. ...at the OS, for not catching your bug? 9. ...at the compiler, for not pointing out your bug? 10. Have you added offensive debugging messages to a program? Their Bugs 11. Have you found a bug in someone else's program? 12. ...in the source code? 13. ...but without having run into it? 14. ...in a disassembly? 15. ...but without having run into it? 16. Have you fixed a bug in someone else's source code? 17. Have you patched a binary to fix a bug? 18. Have you worked around someone else's bug in your own program? 19. Have you written a bug fix for a proprietary OS? 20. ...did the vendor use it? Reporting 21. Have you submitted a bug report? 22. ...to a mailing-list? 23. ...to a newsgroup? 24. ...with flames? 25. ...and it was your mistake?