# Exploit Title: MAC 1200R - Directory Traversal # Google Dork: "MAC1200R" && port="8888" # Date: 2023/03/09 # Exploit Author: Chunlei Shang, Jiangsu Public Information Co., Ltd. # Vendor Homepage: https://www.mercurycom.com.cn/ # Software Link: https://www.mercurycom.com.cn/product-1-1.html # Version: all versions. (REQUIRED) # Tested on: all versions. # CVE : CVE-2021-27825 1. Attackers can easily find the targets through various search engines with keywords "MAC1200R" && port="8888". 2. Open the affected website like "http://IP:8888/web-static/". 3. For example: 1) 2)