# Exploit Title: Projeqtor v9.3.1 Stored XSS / Privilege Escalation # Exploit Author: Oscar Gutierrez (m4xp0w3r) # Date: January 4, 2021 # Vendor Homepage: https://www.projeqtor.org/en/ # Software Link: https://www.projeqtor.org/en/product-en/downloads # Tested on: Ubuntu, LAAMP # Vendor: Projeqtor # Version: v9.3.1 # Exploit Description: Projeqtor version 9.3.1 suffers from a stored XSS vulnerability via SVG file upload. A low level user can upload svg images that contain malicious Javascript. In this way an attacker can escalate privileges and upload a malicious plugin which results in arbitrary code execution in the server hosting the application. # Steps to reproduce: Upload the following XML code as an SVG file and change the xlink for a location that you control. Once the administrator user opens the attachment, the Javascript code hosted by the attacker will execute.