# Exploit Title: WordPress Plugin Smart Slider-3 - 'name' Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) # Exploit Author: Hardik Solanki # Date: 05/06/2021 # Software Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/smart-slider-3/ # Version: # Tested on Windows *How to reproduce vulnerability:* 1. Install WordPress 5.7.2 2. Install and activate the "*Smart Slider 3" Version* plugin 3. Navigate to "*Dashboard* and create a "*New Project*". 4. Enter the JavaScript payload "**" into the "*Name*" field. 5. You will observe that the Project has been created with malicious JavaScript payload "" and hence project has been* created/stored* and thus JavaScript payload is executing successfully. *XSS IMPACT:* 1: Steal the cookie 2: User redirection to a malicious website