# Exploit Title: Zabbix 3.4.7 - Stored XSS # Date: 30-03-2021 # Exploit Author: Radmil Gazizov # Vendor Homepage: https://www.zabbix.com/ # Software Link: https://www.zabbix.com/rn/rn3.4.7 # Version: 3.4.7 # Tested on: Linux # Reference - https://github.com/GloryToMoon/POC_codes/blob/main/zabbix_stored_xss_347.txt 1- Go to /zabbix/zabbix.php?action=dashboard.list (anonymous login CVE-2019-17382) 2- Create new dashboard 3- Add a new widget => Type: Map nabigation tree 4- Past into parameter "Name": 5- Click to "Add" button