# Exploit Title: Smart Hospital 3.1 - "Add Patient" Stored XSS # Exploit Author: Kislay Kumar # Date: 2020-12-18 # Vendor Homepage: https://smart-hospital.in/index.html # Software Link: https://codecanyon.net/item/smart-hospital-hospital-management-system/23205038 # Affected Version: Version 3.1 # Tested on: Kali Linux Step 1. Login to the application with Super Admin credentials Step 2. Click on "OPD-Out Patient" and then click on "Add Patient" then select "Add Patient" Again. Step 3. Insert payload - "> , in Name , Guardian Name , Email , Address , Remarks and Any Known Allergies and Save it. Step 4. Now the patient profile will open , when your course will move around profile details they will show an alert box.