# Exploit Title: qdPM 9.1 - Arbitrary File Upload # Date: 2020-05-06 # Author: Besim ALTINOK # Vendor Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qdpm/ # Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qdpm/ # Version: v9.1 (Maybe it affect other versions) # Tested on: Xampp # Credit: İsmail BOZKURT # Remotely: Yes Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- When a normal user tries to update their profile, they can arbitrarily upload files to the user_photo area. Because there are no file extension controls. Additionally, the .htaccess file has some protection against malicious .php file. But, the developer writes the wrong regex. So, the Attacker can change extension as (.PHP) and run code on the server .htaccess file content: ---------------------------------------------- # This is used to restrict access to this folder to anything other # than images # Prevents any script files from being accessed from the images folder Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Vulnerable File-1: actions.class.php ---------------------------------------------- Vulnerable function: processForm --------------------------------------------- Vulnerable area: --------------------------------------------- getFiles(); $userPhoto = $files['users']['photo']['name']; $form->bind($request->getParameter($form->getName()), $request->getFiles($form->getName())); if ($form->isValid()) { $user = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('user'); $this->checkUser($form['email']->getValue(),$user->getId()); $form->setFieldValue('users_group_id',$user->getUsersGroupId()); $form->setFieldValue('active',$user->getActive()); $hasher = new PasswordHash(11, false); if(isset($form['new_password'])) { if(strlen($form['new_password']->getValue())>0) { $form->setFieldValue('password', $hasher->HashPassword($form['new_password']->getValue())); } } if(strlen($userPhoto)>0) { $userPhoto = rand(111111,999999) . '-' . $userPhoto; $filename = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/users/' . $userPhoto; move_uploaded_file($files['users']['photo']['tmp_name'], $filename); $form->setFieldValue('photo', $userPhoto); app::image_resize($filename,$filename); } else { $form->setFieldValue('photo', $form['photo_preview']->getValue()); } ?>