# Exploit Title: Genexis Platinum-4410 2.1 - Authentication Bypass # Date: 20220-01-08 # Exploit Author: Husinul Sanub # Author Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/husinul-sanub-658239106/ # Vulnerable Product: Genexis Platinum-4410 v2.1 Home Gateway Router https://genexis.co.in/product/ont/ # Firmware version: P4410-V2–1.28 # Vendor Homepage: https://genexis.co.in/ # Reference: https://medium.com/@husinulzsanub/exploiting-router-authentication-through-web-interface-68660c708206 # CVE: CVE-2020-6170 Vulnerability Details ====================== Genexis Platinum-4410 v2.1 Home Gateway Router discloses passwords of each users(Admin,GENEXIS,user3) in plain text behind login page source “". This could potentially allow a remote attacker access sensitive information and perform actions such as reset router, changing passwords, upload malicious firmware etc. How to reproduce =================== Suppose is the router IP and check view page source of login page “",There we can found passwords for each login accounts in clear text. POC ========= * https://youtu.be/IO_Ez4XH-0Y