# Exploit Title: WordPress Plugin Sell Downloads 1.0.86 - Cross Site Scripting # Exploit Author: Mr Winst0n # Author E-mail: manamtabeshekan@gmail.com # Discovery Date: September 09,2019 # Vendor Homepage: https://wordpress.dwbooster.com/content-tools/sell-downloads # Software Link : https://wordpress.org/plugins/sell-downloads/ # Tested Version: 1.0.86 # Tested on: Parrot OS, Wordpress 5.1.1 # PoC: 1- Go to "Products for Sale" section 2- Click on "Add New" 3- In opend window click on "Add Comment" 4- Fill comment as "/> or "/> 5- Click on "Publish" (or "Update" if you editing an existing product) 6- You will see a pop-up (also if click on input), Also if you go to product link will see the pop-up.