# Exploit Title: Liferay Portal < 7.1 CE GA4 / SimpleCaptcha API XSS # Date: 04/06/2019 # Exploit Author: Valerio Brussani (@val_brux) # Website: www.valbrux.it # Vendor Homepage: https://www.liferay.com/ # Software Link: https://www.liferay.com/it/downloads-community # Version: < 7.1 CE GA4 # Tested on: Liferay Portal 7.1 CE GA3 # CVE: CVE-2019-6588 # Reference1: https://dev.liferay.com/web/community-security-team/known-vulnerabilities/liferay-portal-71/-/asset_publisher/7v4O7y85hZMo/content/cst-7130-multiple-xss-vulnerabilities-in-7-1-ce-ga3 # Reference2: https://www.valbrux.it/blog/2019/06/04/cve-2019-6588-liferay-portal-7-1-ce-ga4-simplecaptcha-api-xss/ Introduction In Liferay Portal before 7.1 CE GA4, an XSS vulnerability exists in the SimpleCaptcha API when custom code passes unsanitized input into the “url” parameter of the JSP taglib call ” /> or ” />. A customized Liferay portlet which directly calls the Simple Captcha API without sanitizing the input could be susceptible to this vulnerability. Poc In a sample scenario of custom code calling the ” /> JSP taglib, appending a payload like the following to the body parameters of a customized form: &xxxx%22%3e%3cscript%3ealert(1) The script is reflected in the src attribute of the tag, responsible of fetching the next available captcha: ”xxx”=” />